Awesome, pretty much the best zombie IP since L4D.
Awesome, pretty much the best zombie IP since L4D.
This guy really needs to step his photoshop game up.
I can tell you’ve never shot a gun before. Every gun is lethal, and is only as lethal as the person operating it. There’s no way you can ban guns to stop mass shootings. Anyone with a pistol and some shooting experience could do as much damage as any AR. We’re never getting rid of guns in this country, so get the fuck…
It’s a mental health issue. Has nothing to do with guns. Gun control only makes things worse, not better. There’s a reason why all mass shooting happen in gun free zones.. they simply don’t want anyone to shoot back at them. My word of advice, go through all the legal channels to purchase a weapon, get trained to…
You want to stop senseless tragedies? Legally purchase a firearm and protect your life. Show some responsibility people, don’t be a victim. Violent crimes are prevented each and every day by law abiding gun owners. Train yourself, be ready, and be safe.
Wow, it’s not going to be a Transformed game? Fuck this Sega.. way to drop the ball on a near perfect formula.
Before people jump on the PUBG hatewagon from 6 months ago... the game runs great now, gamebreaking bugs have been fixed, and they’ve gotten rid of 99% of the cheaters through daily patches. Recently some of the performance has fallen off due to some anti-cheat updates, but as this article explains.. we’ll be back to…
What? PUBG has always been on Unreal 4.
Optimization early on leads to more bugs later. It’s usually the last thing they do. Which is why they are focusing on optimization now since the game is pretty much done.
I mean, is anyone surprised they are dominating in a tank heavy meta? They never were a dive team, this is their bread and butter. Dallas still has a top 3 roster in the OWL imo... it’s just a shame it took this long for a diverse meta that can allow teams like Dallas to shine. Dallas is still a top tier team, and now…
You can buy 7.1 headphones.. just don’t use the surround sound for gaming. While alot of games do have 5.1 and 7.1 surround sound support.. it’s usually designed around speaker systems and not headphones. This can cause alot of inaccurate sounds coming from the headset which may lead you to believe some things are…
Sound quality, yes.. is bad. But you can’t deny the positional audio is in fact better. Make sure you aren’t using surround sound on your headphones.
PUBG receives a 25mb patch twice a day to prevent hacking scripts. It’s more balanced, more optimized.. literally everything has been steadily improving.. just as Bluehole promised.
The sound wasn’t exactly terrible before.. but it’s definitely better now for positional cues. There are still a few tweaks needed to be made, mostly the sound quality downgrade (It sounds like they are using low quality sound profiles compared to before). Most of the complaints came from the idiots using surround…
The Zowie EC and FK series dominate among professional gamers. They ooze simplicity, performance, and reliability. After trying nearly every brands top end products and never being satisfied.. Zowie made me a lifetime customer.
The Zowie EC and FK series dominate among professional gamers. They ooze simplicity, performance, and reliability.…
“I know for a fact that Sym works really well on Attack on some maps”
What a genius fucking statement.. spoken like a true plat player. First, you shouldn’t be “maining” any hero. If you call yourself a (X) main, and wonder why you’re fucking stuck in mediocre Diamond or below.. it’s a YOU problem. It’s not your…
I have an SSD for my OS, I still use RAID 0 HDD’s for mass storage though for my media and game library. They need a defrag on a regular basis from all the updates Steam pumps through them.
I can’t tell if he is saying he or we but it’d be more believable if he said we.
I stick with the good ol’ CCleaner and Spybot combo with common sense internet browsing. Top it all off with a Defraggler fragmentation scan/defrag and your computer will be in tip top shape.
“Ric Flair says he once personally witnessed André drink 106 beers in a single sitting.”
No... he said they together, drank 106 beers.