I’d be down if the pit crews had to control everything with an NES power pad.
I’d be down if the pit crews had to control everything with an NES power pad.
PSVR is great for what it is, but could benefit from higher resolution, higher framerate (which PS5 could already potentially improve, as the HMD does 120Hz), a better FOV, and better head tracking. I actually think the PSVR head tracking works great, but it could be improved with something better than just the camera…
Sweet! Hoping we hear something soon about if a new PSVR is launching with the system. Only four more generations until our eyeball PS9's
Because that’s the trope. They say ‘no,’ but it’s not because they don’t want it - it’s because they’re embarrassed. It’s kind of amazing how much of Hentai/Ecchi is based around this dynamic, actually.
Still pointless. The game needs missions and goals, and some actual stuff to explore.
Oh in that case the system physically could run the game but is pc only. If you have a PC even an older one it should run eve fine with graphics settings lowered. I’d recommend researching first and joining one of the corps with a history of help g new players. The game really is about player driven content but the…
I’ve thought about this a lot in my life because I do not share much of western society’s outlook on the definition of human beauty, and my personal theory is that while there is certainly a conditioned component, our brains are primed (via evolution or some kind of mystical spiritual connection depending on your…
What a ridiculous reply to this video which is only a splash screen type thing for his new studio.
The characters are very well designed, with lots of vibrant personality. The “pixar-like” cinematics are also helping the audience to create emotional attachments to them.
Cosplay has always prided itself on its ability to transform fans into their heroes, wherever and whoever they are.…
So, like their previous game, it’s a game without any real substance or story other then to cause controversy. Like Gamergate, this type of marketing tactic makes all Gamers look bad in the public eye.
Dude- the GEAR VR works wonderfully and is just $99- I’ll stick to that until this comes down!
How realistic are they going for? I don’t want my video game characters telling me to get off my lazy ass and mow the lawn.
Yeah it was used by bruce lee! No ones faster than bruce!
Sharkrobots Batmetal is a lot better even if it’s not their own song they are using. It suits batman so well (except the killing)
So basically they have made her look more Japanese now despite the fact that she is actually supposed to be British.
I was in Hall H for this trailer and this was the opinion of A LOT of people who were unfamiliar with Warcraft prior. The fact that the movie is from the perspective of the Orcs mostly and humanizes them made it interesting to a lot of people.
I’m not a world of Warcraft player but this seemed interesting. I like how they are brining some humility to the orks and their not just mindless killing machines like LOTR. Who cares if it’s CG!! As long as it’s good it opens up more possibilities that are limited by practical effects.