What's the prize for the person who finds SFMikee? :)
What's the prize for the person who finds SFMikee? :)
I took this picture of SFMikee, but now I have to go to work. perhaps someone else could work their google-foo to find out where I took this picture
A new SFMikee will rise from the ashes to track down the original!
I know! That's why I thought I needed to do a full post about this to round him up!
There's a few minor sponsors like Monster and Bass Pro Shops (all of whom would have to sign off on a return or drop the car, I'd imagine), but otherwise, you're right: the big one is Haas Automation (read: Gene Haas himself). The car only exists because Haas wanted Busch.
Oh honey, no.
I'm having trouble dealing with the fact that I can't stop laughing at what appears to be a 4 yr old suffering an acl tear AND a concussion.
He's been in training since he was just a kid.
You mess with the ram you get fucked up
First of all, it's Orange County, and Subarus are not that popular in OC, except for maybe the bros cruising the toll roads in their WRXs and STi. The perennial money makers, i.e. the Foresters, Outbacks, etc., are getting passed up, because OC people are all about prestige and status conscious, so they'll get a X3 or…
I think the Russians have a pretty impressive history of getting un-stuck.
Dude was from my home town
Not that I want to defend anti-semites (please don't call me Hitler, internet) but despite his bad ideas about race, he did have some pretty good ideas regarding living/fair wages for his workers. Oh, and that Model T thing worked out pretty well. Let's just make sure to double-check those ideas for anti-semitism.
I think you mean:
I've driven seven different 100 hp cars, so collectively....?
You could buy Michigan with $300,000.
Courteous enough to pull over.