Tom. You did it. You had really big shoes to fill (Murilee) and you pulled it off. Weekend articles always suit me best because I work too much during the weekdays. Thanks for keeping Jalopnik real and I wish you best of luck in life!
Tom. You did it. You had really big shoes to fill (Murilee) and you pulled it off. Weekend articles always suit me best because I work too much during the weekdays. Thanks for keeping Jalopnik real and I wish you best of luck in life!
If you are going to videotape something awesome... Keep the camera on it. Seriously, is that so hard? I wanted to reach through the monitor and punch the cameraperson in the face with a flaming cactus.
Man, did it even have a suspension to begin with? I figured they just stiffened that car up so that it would not bottom out when reaching the climb.
If they want to imitate what I would do next, (as a kid) I would cram a vehicle on the tracks that was too wide for it and give it a try.
What? No angry mob that chased him away and flipped his bike over?
I am inclined to agree... Seems like there is a overload of tabloid around this place lately.
Agreed. Nothing is going to get done. At the very least we are helping the cyclist be a vigilante or something.
I'm going to have to go with Buckshot Jones.
Could be worse... at least you are not moving to Florida.
In my head... I read that with a "Dennis Leary" voice. Fits.
Brb. Gonna go play Stunt Mode in FlatOut 2. <3
D'awwwwww <3
Hat tip to $kaycog?
This will be the next Chromalusion Paint fad...
Rock on! I have my wisdom teeth too.
Yeah sure dude... look a the front of your damaged car. Don't try to help the trapped guy in the truck.... what if it caught fire or something. Sure, care about your damaged vehicle instead of another human being.
They are all sitting so close to earth... I have to presume that there is probably about 10% good floorboard in the whole collection. Looks like a lot of good parts, but I doubt any of them will roll on the road again. The rust factor is going to be enormous with any of them.
That B&W photo deserves a witty caption... But I am coming up blank.
Slow news day eh?
I keep my little wheel lock key in a baggie next to the spare in the trunk. <3