
His looks?

This is a nice feature.

In addition to considering receivers, I think it makes sense to think about separates as well. They allow you to change the amplification if you want a bigger space or use less sensitive speakers, or processor when the technology changes to adapt to new 4K needs or new cable standards, without replacing both. Outlaw

Who doesn't want to sign up to be that asshole who won't shut his stupid phone off on the flight, just like the smarmy little poorly shaven warby parker wearing dickhole in the Facebook Home commercial?


The rollout was awful, frustrating and painful. The device overcomes that with being awesome, but how can a company with experience making things like X box mismanage the release and do it in such a geographically limited fashion? Its absurd. Europeans are still waiting for it, I'm sure people are moving on.

Ain't nobody got time for spinning platters. Old school HDs are great for storing massive quantities of data, but I can't abide them for an OS.

No touchscreen? I don't see it mentioned. It kind of ruins the whole experience of W8 without it. At that steep price it seems warranted and a major flaw.

My wife bought one of those banana savers because it protects the banana in the diaper bag and our baby eats a lot of bananas but can't always finishh one.

Sennheiser's open air models are spectacular.

Fios is pumping out 50, 100 and 250 or 300 in their packages, so I think this matters for streaming HD from the interweb for Fios customers too. Of course they have that awful router so you have to use a second router connected to the first.

Bing is pretty good in the US and offers a comparable search engine. I think they have issues internationally with maps. There is no reason Google will always be #1 though.

"A non-Google search engine would make for a worse experience."

You need to use their lousy router, which you can purchase at an inflated price for what is pretty subpar technology - they have a gigabit model now, so speed is ok but it is not dual-band so you can't use the 5ghz band. I added a second router connected to the Fios router in order to take advantage of the 5ghz

They make really nice phones but their business plan is to sell to and forget their customers. They don't push upgrades or fix bugs. Apple, Samsung and Nokia all spend more time servicing their existing devices. When you buy an HTC handset, you had better like the version of Android you got with it, or be perfectly

I hope they make a phone in adult sizes.

won't these get acid etched beyond use?

Do you think they will make it in adult size?

I think you'd be sacrificing a fair amount of our troops stationed in the pacific, as well as military and civilians in SK and Japan. I'm not a military expert but my understanding is that they could unleash a barrage of conventional artillery aimed at both countries successfully.

This irks me to no end. Buy console, pay console maker to use a service you are already paying someone else for. I Sony pulls this, I may sit out the next generation of consoles entirely.