this is what happens when you have no direction, no ethos, no driving ideology.
this is what happens when you have no direction, no ethos, no driving ideology.
yes.. but these all seem super shady, or bandwidth limiting etc. i guess I was trying to see what a GOOD vpn is.
i use chrome.. aaaand?.. tell me more please.
ok. can you explain how to tell your browser that you live in england..i would really like to watch top gear also and can’t figure out how. i live in the US.
this kid will either be in jail in a few years, or a very wealthy man. That kind of “stick-to it-edness” (I can’t remember how to spell perseveirance) is incredible for that age. total lack of fear, single-minded goal-focused thinking turned into action. I would hire this kid in a second. good for him.
we have accepted embarrassment. we have accepted lies. we have accepted ignorance of issues, or lack of logical thought. we have accepted conflicts of interest, ethics transgressions, nepotism. We have come to accept everything somehow. Nothing is shocking.. we just feel a daily numb sense of revulsion in our stomachs.
yes. it’s very easy to peel off.. you can almost take it off in one big piece if you’re good. it’s a no-brainer job. plus.. powdercoating can negatively affect the integrity of the wheels with the heat applied. This is cheaper by far, you don’t take your tires off, and you can revert when you wish to. good luck with…
correct, it’s more like vinyl wrap.. really better in every sense compared to plastidip. you just clean the wheel thoroughly with denatured alcohol or whatever cleaning solution you want to use. mask and prep and spray. the hardest part is the masking.
i use autodip ( on my wheels occasionally and it looks jus tlike paint, and is easier to peel off the plastidip, while still being more durable. the technology has come really far since the flat black plastidip days.
that was a beautiful burnout
i’m so impressed. how cool for example that the front’s you take off are now a spare set of rears. i wonder what the turning radius is on that thing.. or, does it turn AT ALL?
that wasn’t about debris.. that’s just too much speed, wrong line, lift-off oversteer.. and wrong tire pressure.
Apple is NEVER, kidding around.
shows that there is history in this design.
that tubing is actually quite attractive
that’s all pretty cool actually
that “full disclosure” piece is not credible.. because Acura must have paid you handsomely for that ridiculous title. Look into your soul Stef.. you don’t even have to look that deeply if you’re the Jalop you think you are.. the Acura crossover.. really? the fact that jalopnik is even reviewing this beige abomination…
what an incredibly gorgeous series of pictures!
“I personally don’t understand why trackdays and autocrosses punish you for getting sideways. That’s all I ever want to do in a car, front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive or whatever. I only assume that stodgy serious old people running these events hate fun.”