
Maybe this is a stupid question but,why would Walmart allow two chemicals that if mixed become poisonous be stored next to each other?


Play this song while watching this [] seriously.

a:licking its balls b:the ipod guy that sucks c: [] 4:his usual awesome outfit. there you go,Now please GTFO

I always had thought 4WD was a little unnecessary on lambos but now i realize it is there to let you drive LIKE A BOSS even in the rain.

Dunno but if it doesn't make you sound like Darth Vader i would be disappointed

Does anybody else cant play embedded vimeo videos?

I prefer to think Io9,Lifehacker,Jalopnik and Gizmodo are a separate entity to the rest of Gawker.

I was playing GT5, got bored opened my Macbook Pro went to gizmodo(check the new iphone)suddenly i saw an article titled"Steve Jobs Is Dead"immediately i had cold chill going through my body. then i said the only thing that my brain could process,"FUCK".since i bought my first macbook back in 2008 and turned it on i

Mid 2007 white macbook 120gb

Keep your scanners peeled(for auction snipers).

Every time somebody mentions a new season of arrested development i spend 2 hours reading every article about it like this. []

As much as i love time lapses i think it would be WAY cooler if they just RPG´d the shit out of that bridge.