

Also know by 12 year olds as"coat the Asure"

Are you getting a weird funny feeling in your special area?

I thought i had suggested the 2J????(correct me if im wrong)

Hurry up it is on the OCD right now at half the price!!!!!!!!!

And today's #COTD goes to Jeremy Clarkson.

double post.

Their already under 20k isnt that enough?

Dont i have an uncle who bought a 2007 Quattroporte, within a year the electric system had aquired a mind of his own.

Or you could just ask Rowan Atkinson for one of his crashed one.


The problem is that usually MOST people who can afford expensive cars dont care about said cars,Hell i have a Range Rovers Sport a JAAAGGGG xf and a 69 mustang but most people i know dont ask me how they drive they just ask me the price.

The same people who think a car should be an appliance.


Indiana Jones-Star Wars-Jurassic Park-Tron:Legacy(Why you make me choose!?!?!?)

sorry what i meant(jalopnik wont let me edit)banned BEFORE it could dominate can-am