Adam Stacey

What gave you that impression? The new content and patches they are continuously putting out? The growing esports scene with hundreds of thousands of dollars in prizes? The brand new pantheon of gods they are planning to release?

Something like 60% of all things going on in the game were Greeks trying to decided whether to castrate people or not before one of the more recent updates, massive performance increase when they fixed it.

Now playing

For anyone looking to get into this game (I would suggest waiting for a steam sale and buying it cheap to try it, and then if you like it buying up all the DLC during a sale) Here is a rather great series by Arumba, who is a noted Paradox game youtuber. I also find him easy to listen to as he explains things.

And the man in the back said everyone attack and it turned into a boardroom brawl

Coverage, that’s someting I wasn’t expecting.

I keep saying that True Detective season one was successful DESPITE the writing, not because of it.


She’s correct, if I recall high school and college world studies 101. Jews, Christians, and Muslims all believe in the same God (although using the name Allah tends to confuse the ignorant). Here’s the difference: Jews acknowledge Jesus existed but don’t think he’s the Messiah, Christians think he’s the Messiah, and

God, I love her. Even after she made me cry with these stupid commercials. “Fumbling towards ecstasy” helped me become a woman and I will love her forever for that. Also her song with the Barenaked Ladies is my favorite pop Christmas song.

To me, the last paragraph exemplifies why this is a good idea. It seems like they’re going out of their way to avoid saying “your immigrant ways are wrong” and instead are saying “there are the rules here. even if these rules don’t apply where you are from, they apply in Norway.”

Me and hair just had a falling out is all.

A Super Nintendo Chalmers article?!? Posted at this time of year?!?! Posted at this time of day!?!? In this part of the internet?!?! Localized entirely in Kotaku?!?

She willingly came forward and talked to the media after the verdict so the media can use her name now.

It doesn’t matter who they add, Mei will always be bae.

I honestly don’t think that’s what he’s saying- I think he’s saying that it makes pro-life people look bad, which is true, even though his phrasing is terrible and insensitive and dickish (so, this is the most positive thing he’s pretty much ever said in my book, since he usually starts at terrible/insensitive/dickish

I had to learn a new rule (or get it “beaten” into my head growing up). For every negative thing i say. I had to say a compliment as well.

Yes. And it clearly shows the whole range of the “entitlement” issue. The bit where he opens up about how he can’t differentiate between what he earns and what his privilege gives him was brilliant.


There was some justification about EMP interferance or something in Mothership Zeta. I can’t remember exactly what it was, though.

Now playing

Devil May Cry 3, if you manage to kill something like 100 enemies before the credits end, you get to see a bonus special ending to the story