Adam Stacey

As a huge fan of both series, I’d have to go with Persona 5 first. Playing a game at release, especially when you get a chance to talk to the internet community about it, can add an extra layer of excitement as new things are discovered.

How is that not ambiguous? Kefka is destroyed and... what happens to the world? What happens to the characters? Is all magic really gone?They sail off in the air ship and that’s it.

It shouldn’t have been very surprising the game ended like that, given that the previous entry, Final Fantasy VI, ended just as ambiguously.

Nova’s third basic skin color tint is basically Kerrigan pre-infestation.

It’s already confirmed there will be skins, and potentially other cosmetics.

Well, Tony Stark tried, but...

It’s always felt to me that they simply don’t want to be lumped in with other MOBAs due to the negative connotations a good portion of the gaming community associates with them. Blizzard is more interested in attracting players that have never played a MOBA or dropped out of them (due to fears/experiences with

Yes, he is pretty much the living personification of entitlement. He literally gets whatever he wants at any given time, and so he believes he deserves whatever it is he wants.

Am I the only one wondering why these alien ships keep crashing?

The biggest problem with Cho’Gall is that my SO and I are probably on a watch list for yelling ‘bomb!’ every few seconds.

That would be Graymane (King of Gilneas/the Worgen from Warcraft) and Lunara (first of the Dryads, also from Warcraft). They were the other two heroes that were shown off at Blizzcon. Tracer (from Overwatch) was also announced, but hasn’t been shown yet.

I general I agree with you, but I think some PC gamers are in a bit of a different spot. Yes, you mentioned PCs as a platform above, but I don’t think it’s nearly as important for PC gamers to stay as current with their hardware.

There’s a garage vacancy? Quick, someone notify Jeb!

I vividly remember this happening to me with TF2. All throughout the trailers before the release I was hyped up to play as the Scout. I got in, and just got massacred over and over. Had to learn to play as Medic, Pyro, and Heavy to get into the game, and then slowly graduate to Soldier and later Scout.

It really looks like they built their team specifically so that Team DK would assume C9’s final hero pick was going to be Illidan, and build to counter him. And then, wham, out of nowhere, Murky.

Some people are going to complain about DLC milking, but all the rumours we heard up until now were that Legacy of the Void was going to be the end of the SC universe for the forseeable future, so this is far better than that alternative.

They’re offering the game for $60, which feels off—doesn’t this seem like a free-to-play game?—but who knows? It’s worth noting that Blizzard also sells the free-to-play PC game Heroes of the Storm as a physical bundle, which comes with heroes and skins.

As someone who has never played League, does this Champion Select apply to all their game modes? I only ask because of your mention of the bans - are they present and work that way in all game modes?

Not to mention malware.