Well, one thing to note is that this version comes with the expert sphere grid, which starts the characters out with choices much earlier.
Well, one thing to note is that this version comes with the expert sphere grid, which starts the characters out with choices much earlier.
I think this just continues to prove that Kickstarted games are not the perfect platform/outlet for everyone.
Drop rates have already been adjusted, as part of the loot 2.0 update. In addition, all legendary items are bind on account now (you can trade to someone else who was in the same game as you when the item dropped for 2 hours, but that's it), also eliminating the black market.
It worked in Diablo 2. If you didn't want to play online, you could play an 'open' character. Yes, the details were stored on your PC and could be hacked, but that open character could only play single player and multiplayer with other open characters. Or you could play online-only and be a 'closed' character.
Because you were infinitely more likely to find an upgrade from the auction house than you were in the game itself. Rather than expecting to find anything useful, you just amassed gold with which to buy new items.
If I recall correctly, Nordic admitted that they couldn't really do it alone, and would need to bring in another studio to make a game the size of Darksiders.
This was my first thought, actually.
Well, first of all, she didn't accept their offer before she tried to negotiate.
You're right. I'm making an assumption, and we'll probably never know for sure. Given the state of workplaces treating women in these situations, I have no problems making this assumption, however.
She asked for multiple things, sure, but she also both justified some of them, and noted that some would be more difficult than others. And these weren't demands, they were asks. By ending by asking what they thought, she made it quite clear she wasn't demanding them.
Disclaimer: I know nothing about the Japanese legal system, so I may may wrong assumptions going forward that are incorrect.
I would say that in this case, I remain skeptical on the quality of Dragon Age Inquisition. I am optimistic on the quality of Titanfall, Dark Souls 2, Arkham Knight, and lots of other games set to come out this year.
I had many, many problems with the game, unfortunately. Not just the cut and paste dungeons, or the lack of exploration. The characters were also great... until the last section where half left or tried to kill me. The story choices also felt like they had no weight, unlike the first, where the future of various…
You're definitely right in an objective sense - it's always a risk to commit or pre-order, but certain franchises have earned my trust, and my pre-order, given their past. Certainly I've been let down in the past, though.
I can't view the trailer here at work (hello Youtube block!), but I'm not sure any trailer could sell me after Dragon Age II.
Excellent. To me, that's a perfectly acceptable release date difference. Sure, I'd love it to be out at the same time as the consoles, but this is fine with me.
Man, I really seem to be stalking you lately... (It's a credit to how your posts speak to me)
I know the referenced arc.
I like the idea of Joker using a Lazarus pit. Ra's Al Ghul likely survived, considering his impaled body was whisked away, and reviving Joker would fit his plans for increasing the chaos in Arkham far enough to burn it down.