
American “cheese” is not cheese. It is labled “cheese food”, which is a bizarre word construction and really makes no logical sense. I can only conclude that it is neither cheese or food. 

Awww. I was so hoping for a climax and not an early pull out.

Coyotes are smart, adaptable, and able to survive and thrive in almost any environment. Native Americans had a lot of respect for the coyote. Probably more they they have for Paris Hilton. But that is how it should be.

But the question is; What’s Eric’s wife going as? Hmmmmmm?


And with the pound devalued against the dollar, it’s a steal at $27,887,620.

“straight up not funny” and filled with “insipid humor.”

There’s a bridge somewhere that needs a new troll.

“Prison would not do this kid any good.”

“... isn’t our justice system supposed to be about rehabilitation?”

Gretta also though that Sarah Palin was a serous person.

Couldn’t have happened to a nice bunch of people. Sorry Gretchen, you should have known, not that that is any excuse for Ailes behavior, but you had to be pretty unconscious to not realize that Fox News is a cesspool of sexism. Lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

It’s Fox News, where facts are silly things.

Nikki Haley is ambitious and has he sights set on much higher office. What ever her beliefs are about abortion, this is a naked political act, targeted to shoring up base voters with an eye toward a future a campaign.

Bull shit. It’s tax avoidance that is at the heart of the whole scheme. You do the work, bear the costs, pay the taxes, and take the risks, and the company takes the profit. The real name for these “independent contractors” is “chumps”.

Maybe she was drunk or high. Wouldn’t you want to be medicated if you had to be around Rick Scott any length of time?

Doesn’t this count as a crime against humanity?

I’ve read that all hope of a rational conversation about gun control went out the window when we accepted the slaughter of kindergartners. Maybe this was a Kindergartner “holding his ground”.

All they need is Bill Cosby as spokesman.

This was all for publicity, to keep her name in front of those with nothing better to do. Kardashian has nothing positive to offer anyone. There is nothing redeeming about her celebrity. If she were ignored, she’d go away, which would be a net positive for the nation and humanity as a whole.