
Let's see, the last time anarchists took over an auto show the Citroen SM was born.

So on a given day...

I think I just found my new alarm clock sound!

Mike, you're speaking to the issue I hold closest and dearest to my heart. Unfortunately my mind is mush at the end of a long day and am not able to voice anything coherent, so to keep it short and simple this is what needs to happen:

How about this theory:

California version of the Rebel license plate.

I'm sure New York has their reasons....

Because the Autobahn construction crew ran out of beer and pavement just outside of Moscow.

I believe the National Junkyard Safety Administration needs to mount a formal investigation of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) junkyard safety procedures to insure they live up to the standards imposed on the private sector. Besides, I gots to see what they have in that yard!

"Emergency responders should check a vehicle for markings or other indications that it is electric-powered."

Half of which were no doubtfully racked up by Bertha Benz while sending telegrams to Karl from behind the tiller of the Benz Patent Motorwagen

Yes, I'm calling about the red Samurai you have for sale.

As with any used vehicle a good head gasket is vital to avoiding the frothy mixture that signals you're about to blow a load of money. Shots anyone?

Just kidding...

Mommy, my backpack is heavy and I'm starting to feel dizzy!

In tonight's Top Gear Challenge, a nondescript caravan squares off against Karachi public transit as Jeremy races Richard & James to determine how best to move a nuke.

CX Automotive

Hmm, keep getting a 404 on the Saab page....

In Florida a double-wide with a Ferrari up on blocks is considered conspicuous consumption.

As a result of being passed by something French, Stuttgart will be invoking their factory remote detonate option per ownership clause #21.