
Stop the press! It's now officially a "fact" now that it's been "reported".

This is all well and good but you have to wonder if the invading force is even capable of surviving the grueling 35-hour work week.

You vastly underestimate how effective tweeting "J'ai une bombe nucléaire entre mes jambes" is on

"I don't give a damn if we are at 30,000 feet, somebody's getting fired!"

The Ghost of Billy Mays here for the EZ Moves Asshat parking system!

Forget "a laptop for every child", what we need is a Lego Unimog in every child's hands so they can become familiar with the one vehicle that will save them if a Zombie apocalypse/societal collapse should occur.

This doesn't even take into account the obvious argument wherein "we" (The jalop commenters) constantly hate on the prius and other "environmentally friendly cars" - all of which are propped up by government subsidies, and advertised for with Hollywood celebrities who are nothing but talking heads for the left wing

Great movie!

As are the spot-welds on the Rover's Monocoque body.

Half-assed job?

At this point Rauchbauer, experiencing a mixture of rage and shock, told her: "Just don't piss on my rug dude!"

Hi, I was in the neighborhood on another appointment and noticed that you could be in the need for some vinyl siding...

ATF took care of that in the pre-sweep.

Did not know they made a right-hand drive version...

Hear, hear!

We will need a well-placed source to accompany him to the loo.

Has he gone into the Classic Laptop business?

Best friend had this one.

I have a special place in my heart for the Pacer as it was the first car I started up without my parental units being present. (at age 7) I can't remember how long they owned it, but it was during their AMC phase. (next up was a 77 Cherokee) Now that I think about it, maybe the fact that our dog gave birth in it

Mr. Landlord, remember how you said I could get a discount if I painted inside the apartment....