
The Brazil comparison is apt.

Your point about Texas chainsaw is exactly what I’m talking about. Films use the tools of the medium beyond just the image and the actibg, the sound and particularly the editing to get its poi t across. The medium is the message. You change the mechanics of the film editing and you get a different film. In gaming

The game isn’t for those people. Plain and simple. I say this as someone who is awful at the game. If I don’t want to commit to taking the time to learn how to play the game better and make use of the mechanics the game ALREADY HAS to make it easier, it would be silly for me to expect the developer to accomidate me.

Those games have that, and it isn’t necessarily a good thing. If those companies want to offer those differing experiences then fine but it is much akin to a horror film putting out versions with gore and less ominous music to create a PG-13 cut for those who can’t handle the R.

When people way that difficulty is “the point” they don’t just mean it in a masochistic or dick-measuring contest way. The difficulty of the game is actually a part of the story and the the themes. There’s a lot to take in and enjoy about the world they built but there is also something to be said about earning it.

They pulled off some impressive effects that compare quite well with the American film for something like a 15th of the budget. The rest of the cinematography is somewhat lacking though. Very excited for this. All in all Anno and Higuchi seem to be following through with the tone and direction they implied when they

Did you miss when Attack on Titan was released to theaters with subs just 6 months ago?

Some of the scenes were actually filmed in English. The female character is an American played by a Japanese actress.

The Japanese title of the new film is even a pun. “Shin-Gojira” can be translated as both “True Godzilla” and “God Godzilla”.

Actually it seemed to be chiefly a rehasing of all of the problems of Man of Steel with a dash of the worst aspects of Amazing Spider-man2.

The 2014 Godzilla was over 300 feet.

Risky and expensive but helps already existing people. It’s a solution to one problem that solves others.

25 year olds aren’t children but they can certainly often remain as dependents due to the longer years of education and internships and general work needed to be competitive in the modern market. Its a stop-gap designed to provide coverage that reflects both the realities of who is struggling to get coverage as well

As the article points out, the legal technicalities are less important than the realities of the power dynamic.

There are some truly squicky power dynamics there but are we really going to start acting like 21 year olds are children now?

Illinois actually is trying to weasle out on paying lottery winners. Its a fairly legit concern.

Kotaku is really comitted to this narrative that Fallout was a disappointment.

I am continuously amazed at our ability to be methodical even in the most insane aims.

It was never established in canon that the storm troopers were necessarily descended from the Clone Troopers. Also all of the expanded universe was thrown out so none of it is canon.

Then maybe you’re bad at having a blog.