
You must be recently married. Most of us have figured out some coping mechanism, or two, by now. No matter how long you are married, she will still ask you your opinion, which is always wrong, but she will ask you anyway. I think it’s a power move. “What do you think?....[WAITS FOR ANSWER]....Hmmm....I’m not so sure.

Haven’t been there, but with entertainment like that, I might have to consider it.

(seriously journos, the -gate shit needs to stop, Watergate was a building, not a conjunction)

They call that foreplay nowadays.

Can some explain to me just what kind of treatment they have for being such a shitbag? Like, clinical, fucking treatment?

Normally, I’d agree with you, since the bullshit I did in high school was over 30 years ago. This guy was in high school during the second G.W. Bush administration, during this century.

Also, who gives a speech demanding the janitors pick up after his slovenly ass?

That’s the jalop-approved version.

Neutral: What Will We Buy When The World Has No More Equinoxes?

Is this news?

It’s weird to give a star to a sentiment that makes me so sad, and because I have seen and heard it, too. New England is waaaaaay overrated for its tolerance. What might have been official policy for a long time does not necessarily reflect the view of the populace, sadly.

Born New Englander here. Have lived in southern and northern New England in small towns. The big difference is that small towns are much farther apart the more north you go. Not Montana distances, mind you, just pretty damn rural.

I don’t get it either. Just don’t understand it. Vermont was the only New England state

The subsidies, of course.

I think one of the very reasons for the existence of the Holden-built Caprice PPV and the SS was an agreement that GM export cars from the factory as part of GM’s acceptance of subsidies from the Australian government. Those subsidies apparently expired this year, and I don’t have any

Well, I’m apparently a day late to this party, but some thoughts anyway on Lebron as the second-coming of Sebastian Coe.

Could he do a 4:30? I would like to think so. He almost certainly could do a 60-second 400, putting him well on pace. He’s older and understands endurance and controlling fatigue more than freak

2nd Gear: Australia’s Carmageddon.

I think your point about the duallie-450 might be a better example, because when it comes to the GT3 RS,* there are plenty of people who can afford them and not only lack the capability to drive them at their limits, they don’t ever have plans to drive them on the track, or even much at all, so as to not damage its

Of course, there are countless more people who buy 200+ MPH-capable sports cars that can lap the Nuburgring in under 8:00 who may never exceed 80 MPH on the local freeway. The automakers know that plenty of poseurs buy these vehicles, but they are more than happy to take their money.

Why would anyone without kids buy a minivan? Because if these people had kids, that machine would be ravaged from the inside out about 6,000 miles in, no matter how much effort you put into keeping it clean. Kids sullying minivans are an unstoppable force.

Camrys are relatively gutless to begin with. Add in 2,000 pounds or so of armor to fend off 7.62-mm rounds, and it has to be a Model T-level slug.

I’ve driven a couple of armored vehicles (factory and non-factory) and even turbo or V-8 power does not help. It’s like having a one-ton anchor dragging behind you.

I know some folks in Mexico who have a successful, multi-generational family business. Even by U.S. standard they have a significant chunk of change. And they drive a Jetta and a Passat. They keep a very low profile. And if they get jacked, they likely won’t get kidnapped, which would more likely happen if they had a

Sure, some of them.