
What the fuck, American Dad is still on?

Binge watched it over the past two days. I don’t think it could have been any better. If you would have told me a few years back that, a rough and tough big burly man in my 40s would tear up at the finale of a She-Ra cartoon, I would have called you crazy. But here we are.

Yes, it’s also part of the Canadian alphabet. We often append it to the end of sentences when speaking about beer or hockey (or beer and hockey).

God yes, just being able to fast-travel back to the ship would be just lovely...

Goodbye, AV Club. At times, it’s been a fun ride, but breaking this article into 33 discreet chunks is truly disappointing. I won’t be back.

All 3 Stadia customers are super stoked about this announcement.

Once you realize that this is actually a sequel and it’s Sephiroth from the future “remaking” history it all becomes a lot more interesting. Not calling this Remake part 1 makes more sense now that his plan is already in motion and the next games will probably have different subtitles like Rebirth or Reunion.

I think this ending adds MORE meaning to the title, rather than taking away from it.

It’s also really hilarious that the vast majority of comments negative about the ending are from people who were never going to play it in the first place.

The ending was near perfect. The novelty of doing the same things beat for beat would have worn off; we’ll still get to see a lot of the same places in Part 2 and on but the story will now be different. Now you’re telling me there’s a chance Aerith doesn’t die, or someone else does? It’s new, it’s interesting.

Cool, I just beat the game and absolutely adored the ending, so now I gotta write about it. *cracks knuckles*

Just for the purposes of showing some of the gray area here. I followed Johnny but said Nope, chose tails for the coin toss, and paid for the luxury massage, and I still got Sam’s quests

The thing that might surprise you is that in addition to eggs, middle sized fish still exist, and are normally worth fishing up.

Serious question: Trump has gotten away with everything else, including impeachment, so why would COVID-19 be any different?

I just use the house storage.

Just when i think I’ve gotten to the end of the keeps going...the scrolling lag alone is reason this article was wayyyy too long!

How good is Control?

Yawn. I understand your crunch articles do good numbers, but this isn’t news, if you work for any company that is near the top of their respective industries. I work extra hours at the end of every month, my wife “crunches” four times a year during quarterly reports, and my best friend “crunches” by working 12 hour day

Also, bonus round.

Take your time.

This came about because they looked at FFVII and realized that just slapping a new coat of paint on it would be like trying to shine a turd.

FFVII is really deficient and would be terrible if just remade as it was with better graphics.