Still not seeing anything that would entice me to pay money to see it. The same applied for Suicide Squad. Too much like Joel Schumacher era Batman, but part of that might be the neon colour palette .
Still not seeing anything that would entice me to pay money to see it. The same applied for Suicide Squad. Too much like Joel Schumacher era Batman, but part of that might be the neon colour palette .
Honestly, this is the part I don’t get... I don’t know if we’re just trying to prevent spoilers, but Dr. Reyes is a mutant that works with the X-Men in the comics. While I wouldn’t call it definitive, I’d say that makes for a pretty good chance she’ll end up being good in the end.
God, am I the only one who desperately wants Sam to say “I’m nigh-invulnerable when I’m blastin’!”, but knows in their heart they’re not going to get it? :(
I’m utterly baffled at how misunderstood this show is. The timelines were not that hard to follow. Plus they have the benefit of setting up thoughtful episodic parallels between the characters: see Geralt de-cursing the Strega producing a beautiful princess that retains her feral attitude while Yennifer is transformed.…
That would be the one.
I’d honestly throw Jedi: Fallen Order on here; it’s got a more coherent story than the latest Star Wars movie, incredibly satisfying Dark Souls-esque combat (relying on lock-on, dodges, parries, etc.), has the vibe of a Star Wars videogame mixed with Metroid Prime (Prime in that it’s more current-feeling, but it’s…
No DMCV or RE2 feels a bit strange, tbh
Now it’s your turn to be massively disappointed by something that you’ve loved for so long.
RoS is an obvious reaction to the fan’s reactions to TLJ. Kennedy and Abrams should be ashamed of themselves for caving in to this fan service film.
JJ does not get anything, and should never get another project again.
It must be exhausting for the io9 staff to not like anything.
As a huge fan of the books, I loved the entire season. I’m surprised at the relative antipathy being expressed here. I would have done a few things differently, but one of the things that makes the story so compelling is the narrative details can be interpreted and presented many different ways (unlike several other…
The film over-corrected in reaction to the franchise’s worst fans and was a finale that had to retcon and undercut so many things about the saga to make itself work.
Just gonna say that i love Geralts “fuck” momments in the show
What the fuck is up with that dagger? how does it only match the wreckage of the death star II from a certain angle? It was implied to be ancient. So palpatine knew what woudl happen to him? That doesn’t work....
The location of these wayfinders was implied to be long lost and written in the sacred jedi texts - so how…
I’m having a right old laugh at how clunky and bad this movie is, having seen last night.
AV likes to post entire top lists of movies and music that ive never heard of. Ill be lucky to recognize even one.
I’m a ham man myself.