
I was saddened that claiming the gauntlet didn’t boot half the players from the match...

For Legion, and now this edition of the game according to an interview with the dev that came out today, while new things will come with cards, you no longer will have to buy other factions to get them. For example, in Legion, Stormtroopers and Rebel Troopers both come with grappling hooks and impact grenades. The

The “app” will also be web based. It’s actually really good for the game, since it can be balanced on the fly. Many miniatures games do it by printing a new book every year with updated point costs.

2 things that I really like about it: 1. All point costs have been moved to an app so they can balance the game without tons of errata. 2. They said that all upgrades will now come with every faction, so no more being forced to buy ships you don’t want from other factions just to get a really good upgrade car.

50 each and let you convert 2 of each current ship per faction, so most single faction players will probably need 2.

Perhaps you didn’t know about the recent Digimon series, which goes back to the original characters with them being all high school age now. It’s called Digimon Adventure Tri and it has been released as theatrical movies in Japan for the last few years, with the final one coming out this summer. Crunchyroll has all

Ichigo is completely right with all the information she has. As team leader, 02 is far to dangerous to keep around. The only thing that changes is that we’ve seen all the horrible shit she was subjected to, but no one but Hiro knows that.

Yeah, I don’t get it at all. If the whole show is a metaphor for sex, then the moral is “Don’t stick your dick in crazy!” And 02 is all the crazy.

Yeah, good luck with that. You can put it over there with those 500 MOBAs that came and went completely unnoticed when they were the “in” thing. It’s right behind that pile of failed MMOs.

Isn’t it though? I thought all the other major esports leagues are out of Asian and Europe.

By far the best anime drama in years, maybe of the current millennium. Either out of laughter, joy, or sadness, I teared up almost every episode.

I lived in Japan in the pre-blu-ray days. I know the pain of paying 7000 yen for two episodes of a series, so I’m thankful as hell for streaming services.

I’m assuming it’s going to be on Crunchyroll.

Gocchin has always been a Monster Hunter fiend. Now she’s semi-retired and recently had a kid, so she’s got even more time for hunting. She’s basically a Japanese version of a mommy-blogger now.

Seriously, Trish is the goddamned worst at making choices that affect her friends. If her and Barry Allen got together, the multiverse would implode...

When I was there I rented a small house one stop outside Kyoto for almost the same amount. It was older and basically just two large rooms and a couple of bathrooms stacked on top of each other, but I loved the place.

Mine was where Beth died in the dumbest possible combination of bending time and space, and stupid characters acting even more stupid that humanly possible.

Just watch up to episode 7 and then stop and pretend they all made it to where they wanted to go and there were puppies and cupcakes waiting there for them. Unless of course you would rather have your heart ripped from your chest and crushed in front of you then stuffed into the endless abyss where your soul used to

Faf-kun best dragon.

I watched the whole series on Hulu recently.