
All I’m familiar with is her excellent Zarya play, but I don’t know how deep her character pool is. Since Zarya hasn’t been part of the meta for over half a year, it doesn’t matter how good you are with her, Zarya just isn’t being picked.

Also of note was the RE3 speed run race that followed this one which turned into a master class of RNG fuckery.

A Place Further Than the Universe is great so far and has amazing animation.

Girls Last Tour and Made in Abyss are the standouts, and Himoto Umaru-chan R is a big improvement over the first season.

Freaking finally!

I’d been living overseas in Japan for years and hadn’t looked at my passport in forever. Then, right before I was about to take a trip outside the country, I noticed it had expired. It took a few days of scrambling and running to a couple of government offices and a US embassy, but I was able to get it sorted. I guess

Magneto became the White King of the Hellfire Club during his time when he was running the Xavier school in New Mutants back in the 80s.

It’s not anime, but while I was visiting family over the break I put Hulu on their TV and watched all of Gravity Falls. Good stuff.

In Episode 9, you find out Billy Dee Williams is her father. Not Lando, actual Billy Dee.

It was all about the eye contact he was making while chugging the alien teat treat. Like Empire Yoda before him, Luke had ZERO fucks to give at that point. And it was glorious.

Wow... I’ve only even heard of a few movies on that list, and didn’t see any of them. Guess I got lucky!

Wow, this game can’t win on the internet. I finished the Resurrection missions and absolutely loved it. The base campaign was very much their The Force Awakens, being all “Hey, remember all these awesome characters and settings?” while the new campaign was their Rogue One.

It got brought back a few years ago in a non collectable form. It was all Marvel when it came out and the plan was to add different franchises to it each year, but they really screwed up after the initial release and I think only two expansions made it out before being cancelled.

It’s actually really fun to play. There’s not a huge community here for it, but there are a handful of us that get together at out local shop to play.

I wonder if anyone involved in the game has actually read the book? Definitely wasn’t the case for the movie...

Not Danny Devito. 0/5

Oh I read it, especially the part where it is exactly like the first game has been doing for the last 3 years. This is not news. If anything, it should have been a “buyer beware” article that came out before the game even launched, letting people know what to expect.

Wait... You’re telling me that to experience the content of the expansion, you actually have to own the expansion?!? Madness...

Everyone’s hating on poor Ruby, but it’s going to be hilarious when the show goes full Dragonball Z and you find out human/Kryptonian hybrids are stronger than full-blooded Kryptonians and she helps take out her mom.

“Togwaggle” is my new favorite word.