
I just could not get past the voice acting and sound quality. Is it the player that is bad or is the audio mix just not that good?

My first 10km egg hatched a Snorelax and he is indeed a bad mo-fo. He’s nearly twice the CP of my other ones. Also just caught a 312 Eevie outside that I can’t wait to evolve when I get the candies.

The GoT nominations for Kit and Emilia are generous, to say the least. Supper happy to see Maisie on there though.

You can fuck anything if you try hard enough.

I mean, who doesn’t?

I hope those reshoots paid off. That first trailer was just so grim and gritty. I’m really hoping they added in some funny one-liners and fart jokes.

No, it totally needs to be a Big Hero Six style animated movie.

Reaper just called. He said that Prototype Shadaloo Soldier was “Too edgy.”

I got the most satisfying POTG with Rein last night. Offense on King’s Row, literally five seconds after the match started, I charged through the gap to the left of the payload and mowed down Zen and Widow while I pinned Soldier and took him out, then turned around and bopped a Hanzo.


If the voice acting is a loving tribute to the terrible acting in 90s era Sega CD games, then they nailed it!

Well, if we never get that Last of US movie, this looks like a great alternative.

One. The dragons took out one warship.

Hopefully it is like Hearthstone and Diablo where you get the rewards just for participating in it enough to get the early ranks. In Hearthstone you just need to go from rank 25 to 20 to get the cosmetic rewards, and there is no penalty for losing at those levels.

A lot of people are saying that Arya didn’t learn anything, but other than (maybe) not learning to face change, she learned plenty from them. We saw her learn regular fighting, blindfighting, anatomy, poisons and antidotes, intelligence gathering, and she toughened up physically and mentally. She my not be a Faceless

I would have preferred, “Can you dance?”

Rule 1. Always vote for the healer.

Obviously getting shredded for the live action Legend of Korra movie.

I think people are missing something with the Arya part: The Waif has messed up just as much. She could have easily killed her, but went for slow, painful gut wounds so she would suffer. She has failed her test just as much as Arya has.

Lady Mormont for the Iron Throne!!!!!