
Yeah, this does seem pretty true. All her PTSD symptoms were like she had been hunted her whole time there and was only surviving because she was relying on her senses, but honestly she had a pretty easy time of it and only saw the monster twice. Beyond her first week there, she was pretty comfortable.

The second she said she needed to go back I knew there was either a love interest or a child, but since the show usually subverts tropes I hoped I was wrong. Nope...

My kingdom for a damned Cryptarch mask!!!! It’s the last one I need to finish my last quest.

BAsh, any opionions on how Youtube Red has completely destroyed American access to most Japanese Youtube sites and videos? It really sucks with regards to the agencies that were using Youtube to target markets outside of Japan.

The movies are called Star Wars, and Jedi has an awesome ass war in the stars. Therefore it is the best one.

Just one, Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, although I almost (and should have) walked out of Man of Steel.

It was free, but I love my Darth Vader “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” emote.

The Sassiest Bitch (tm) on television is back! Oh how I’ve missed you, Snart. Captan Cold best waifu!

We’ve got a number here in Raleigh, North Carolina, and it’s growing. There’s been a large tech industry here for decades and the cost of living is still comparatively small, especially compared to all the other places named.

Looking forward to getting killed by xXx_JarJarDanks420_xXx and xXx_DarthVaper420_xXx.

Even earlier. 1996 for Karin since she was originally from Street Fighter manga series about Sakura.

Hell yes. Been waiting for Karin to return forever.

After the amazing art of 13, I do not want this at all. Looks like more Maximum Impact.

If this comment section has taught me one thing today, it’s that Disney Infinity apparently killed several people’s parents and ran over their dog while it was getting away.

Sakura Taisen? Yes please!!!

Yet despite all the changes, Glimmer is still maxed out at 25,000. Pathetic.

Exactly. All I hear now is a bad C3PO impersonation.

Ellis left it, but isn’t Moon Knight still going? An issue came out last month. Unless it got caught in the Secret Wars purge that ended the recent Punisher, Magneto, and Black Widow series that started at the same time as well.

In roughly 300 games of HotS, I can honestly say I never came across a “toxic” player, beyond people getting frustrated when everyone else on the team ignores their game plan.

I disagree. The original team made far better ornamental weapons, but the majority of what there guys make could actually stand up to some real use, minus the super impractical ones like this one.