Destructive Appetite

I know it's been a long, long time since you posted this, but: Could you point out the misconceptions? and/or how to do it right? I love playing my guitar, so I'm looking to minimize the sound that leaves my room, I really want to do it efficiently so that my neighbors (old folks) and mother in the room across the

But wouldn't just hitting Ctrl+S (when it comes to saving a page, at least) be easier and faster? :/

Ctrl+S works in every browser. :)

"Typing on it it super fast"

ICS has this for the notification bar's widget, i don't think they have it for the notifications themselves though, if I'm right?

Um, isnt it Holo? (dunno for sure, just wondered.)


Why is the picture in this article NOT of House? It would be so perfect.

Is there an app that does the same but makes the website an App rather than a widget?

How do I get to Media View on XBMC? For Confluence, for example, it opens up the Main Menu view only, everytime. :/

Oh, awesome! Thankyou :D

okay I have what might be a really silly question, but it's pretty valid where I live:

I've had it for far, far more than two months. Love the functionality; the update just makes it more accessible.

September is also 9 months after New Years/New Years Eve/Christmas/Christmas Eve.

Hahaha i did it for the fun of it :)

No, that's the first step! the six numbers, right? You just had to create a text file and post it to the folder that was created in your dropbox with those 6 or 5 numbers as the title. I was talking about the chapter after that :p

You guys didn't mention Chrome itself, for SSBs!

Chrome has an export application shortcuts feature in its menu! it's the same as firefox's prism :)

I never understood how to perform step two :(

Why would someone be disqualified for answering the riddles?