Um, do you mean Google Music? Google Play is their market.
Um, do you mean Google Music? Google Play is their market.
They;re out :'(
And updated with almost identical criteria! they're really keeping up, haha :)
Actually, it is around here! :P I find it odd when people DONT ask, to be honest. It's like agreeing to blow up a building because someone told you it's what everyone's doing these days :P
Alright. Thanks for taking the time, haha. :)
"drinking water might also also activate a placebo affect" double correction: Also is posted twice, and it should be E-ffect, unless i'm not too mistaken there. #corrections
So it's like having control privileges, but not over everything? I only wonder because people say jailbreaking's essentially the same as android. I get that it's probably just different sets of people naming it different things, but are they ACTUALLY different things? Does a jailbroken iOS device allow fewer things…
"Been there, done that"
I actually wondered about this; does jailbreaking NOT give you root access over your device? (Pure curiosity, I'm not contesting your point)
I thought the whole concept of a chromebook was that it's basically ONLY a browser, but one that can do everything you need for day-to-day purposes? In that case, isn't the whole POINT that it should be Chrome-only? Otherwise it's basically a... Well, an (insert-browser-name-here)book.
He said "if"; so it was neither sarcasm nor bashing-on-the-ipad, hahaha.
Typing shortcuts doesn't have to mean text expansion, right?
This makes me so un-freaking-believably sad. :(
And we secretly come out with some really awesome shit; unfortunately we might not be confident enough of sharing it. SO ITS ALL OURS. ITS OUR PRECIOUS(ES)
Exactly! But the article says introvert quite specifically. (i.e: the freaking title. "Introverted Weirdo")
Nah, the link keeps getting truncated for some reason :/
No, I didn't mean wanting to be an ......outrovert(?) was a bad thing, just that being introverted isn't a bad thing either, which this article sort of seems to imply.
I haven't read this yet, and i will, so excuse me if this is taken back in the article, but:
You don't particularly need an extension OR a software to download the videos.