The Schwartz

Did you notice Dean Ambrose tried to not laugh when the snake was on him

these are the same type of guys that would leave Bill Belichick out of the NFL hall of fame because of the hoodie and love of skittles.

...but Shawn Michaels would make the cut, since baseball types love a good Montreal Screwjob.

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Would like to take this time to thank my fellow Deadspin readers for voting with our minds and not letting the stupidity take over the HOF vote we where given by Dan LeBatard unlike the 16 dickheads who didn't vote for Greg Maddux and the one dickhead who voted for Jacque Jones.

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Hats off to Dan Le Batard and the Deadspin crew. Fantastic work.

Conversation spawned from HOF stuff today (also, just a general sidenote, A-fucking-plus and a gold star to Deadspin, LeBatard, and the readers who voted on a really tight ballot): if there were an SNL Hall of Fame, would there be any first-ballot unanimous inductee?

So awesome Papi has a Heisman vote. Remember Rusillo in disbelief on the radio hearing that news once.

Separated at birth

What the fuck are you talking about?

But you still paid for her abortion, right?

Love him or hate him he should be a first ballot HOFer. If writers go by integrity then they should vote out half of the HOF for being raging racists or blatant adulterers.

As someone born and raised in Miami, Dan has long been my favorite sports columnist/radio guy mostly due to the fact that he not only resists buying into garbage gasbag takes that you can hear for the entirety of the ESPN daily schedule but is often the solo voice of critical reasoning in a sea of moralizing and

Dan Le Batard, Finest Dootlin' Kind.

BREAKING NEWS: The World Wide Leader has moved "Highly Questionable" to 3AM EST on ESPN8, The Ocho.

"And my final reason: I always like a little anarchy inside the cathedral we've made of sports."

Holy shit. My entire perception of Dan Le Batard just changed in an instant.

What a great performance by LeBatard, but his Deadspin HOF candidacy is tainted by the era in which he works at ESPN.

Thanks for doing this Dan.

If video games inspire certain behaviors with 100% probability, then playing hours of Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon should turn anyone into a fiscally responsible, productive member of society with a passion for community service.