
damnit... that I would watch... have a star... 

Dear hollywood... Stop... just... stop... please... 

Meh October is a pass for me

Is this a job that is based on physical appearance as well as skill? I mean it’s rare to see an ugly pop star in any country. I mean subjectively you may not find someone attractive but overall you know that most, not all, of the men and women involved in film and music are attractive. I’m betting this is a situation

That first image gave me a great idea for a PvE type game. Name it the title of this article “Life on the wall” think Fantasy game. You have classes. Archers (standard or can operate things like balistas and catapults), Soldiers (think tanks from other games big shield and sword, if more than one is together they can

I was going to write something witty... but nope fuck it take your upvote you glorious bastard. 

YOU dear sir are a prince among men... Well done.... well done indeed...

YOU dear sir are a prince among men... Well done.... well done indeed...

Go watch some videos on their healthcare... Japan does it good, and most of the European countries too... but canada I would not want their healthcare... 

I’m betting the surveillance video her husband viewed has been “taken into evidence” and will never see the light of day outside of him and whoever showed it to him from the store.  

Just take the damn upvote and move on... 

It better have a cartridge slot....

Now if only they’d made scale tweezers for this and found a way to drop that one part on a patterned tile floor never to be seen again....

Yes but since then she’s admitted tons of times that AotS was what got her into games and nerd culture. Somethings she’s stated she’s grown to appreciate. I doubt seriously that she gave them the golden buzzer because it was from a game. But I don’t doubt for a second that she recognized it.

Rich guy fast things was faster then last fastest other rich guy fast thing. But no one really cared.

is there something worse than Crack pipe cause I feel like this vehicle is an insult to crack smokers everywhere as if even their tastes aren’t this bad...

While their hearts are in the right place you’re talking to people who don’t understand how damaging to the environment the production of a new vehicle is. The industrial creation of a new vehicle releases on average the same amount of pollution as the vehicle is estimated to in it’s 6-10 year operational life. But

While their hearts are in the right place you’re talking to people who don’t understand how damaging to the environment the production of a new vehicle is. The industrial creation of a new vehicle releases on average the same amount of pollution as the vehicle is estimated to in it’s 6-10 year operational life. But

you’re talking about melting down steel and creating a new engine thats a massively huge increase in consumption of fossil fuelsthat need to be consumed by power plants in compared to just a standard rebuild with a few seals... do you have any clue how much power an induction furnace like the kind used in the

Go research the environmental impact of producing a new engine... Not to be mean but if we’re looking at saving the environment we need to be reusing as many components as possible as the environmental impact of new vehicle creation is many orders of impact greater than vehicle operation. 

Two hours? I’d watch 2 and a half hours every 2 years of this... for say the next 8 years... HEAR THAT HOLLYWOOD!!! TAKE MY MONEY!!!!