
That’s a part of the problem. The anti-gun refuse to learn about guns. But lets be honest the gun side also refuses to acknowledge the fear that anti-gun proponents feel. They often tell them to grow up or that their world view is wrong. And while those things may be true it doesn’t serve to further the discussion.

I’ve seen a few comments inviting the gun debate. But honestly it never goes anywhere both sides simply bash on each other and only read to respond not to understand the others position.

This is something that I struggle with. I was never a great student and here in Murica the current trend is to push kids to graduate HS and go on to College... I tried it and it wasn’t for me. Unfortunately at the time I didn’t really know about my options like vocational schools or apprenticeships.


Nah not all of it is art. But these games each have their own take on the FPS Genre and if we were getting new independent Battle Royale games I’d probably agree. But what we’re seeing is a bunch of games not meant to be Battle Royale games simply tacking on a Battle Royale mode.

This is one of the things I don’t like about video games and movies these days. Though to be fair it’s always been an issue with movies. It’s the oh look that’s popular lets do it too mentality. I get that art pulls on what has come before it but sometimes that doesn’t make your art better when it’s not used to create

NO no we don’t. If he actually is your kid teach him some fucking manners you don’t run around fucking with people you don’t know the shit he pulled on the street was appalling and showed he had absolutely know knowledge of how to behave in public let alone a foreign country where he is A GUEST! As for awareness

Nope I made it 30 seconds into a video of his when I first heard of him and turned it off. I couldn’t stand anything about this guy. He’s got a face that begs to be punched and a voice that makes me want to cut his tongue out.

This is one of those things, I get there was no malice but we’re not there yet, where this is ok. I hope there comes a day when race isn’t such a divisive issue and where we can see this and it doesn’t have racist overtones and we can all laugh. But that day isn’t today and probably won’t come in mine or my children

I love this and I remember the original article reading it and being unable to wrap my head around it. It’s a video game character! and honestly some of the best cosplay takes license and runs with the material. Why anyone in such a small and insular community would shun others over their interpretations of characters

Hammer, Nail, Head... the lolicon shit needs to go.

Bjesus WTF is wrong with people... how do these people not get that this is wrong? How do they not understand that it’s sick and twisted.

Nope you’re right they do have the tendency to believe men over women, and that is total bullshit.

I’m not apologizing that’s what everyone seems to get wrong. I’m simply saying “hey how about a bit more information” I’ve never before seen a mob so angry because someone dared to ask for more information. I mean how dare I say we can’t possibly know the truth from one persons memory of an even years old... I mean

My favorite are all the people hurling insults and profanity. Gotta love it when the only way they can defend is by using profanity.

Never heard of it... and it’s not that I don’t believe her it’s that I think jumping on the “she felt it that means it happened” bandwagon is silly. But by all means support but never question cause how dare anyone ever questions someones word or ask to know more.

Ahhh so you just believe everything you’re told with no background. Way to go... you don’t by any chance want to buy a bridge... I know one in Brooklyn that’s for sale.

Or I could believe her but want my belief confirmed...

Thats not at all what I’m expecting. I’m expecting people to be good decent human being and not jump to conclusions from one line of text from only one person who was involved.

Nope I just know that most of the time our memories of how things went are seldom accurate. Male or female is actually pretty irrelevant.