
The same thing I do at every loading screen...


I'm going to say this and I'm sure I'll get spammed but that is a horrible method for cleaning cast iron for a two reasons.

Shut up MEG!!

Bravo, As the father of a young boy. Even I would react similarly. I applaud her for bringing this to the parents.

Problem is people don't love the BRZ it's selling horribly because of it. Sure a few people love it but it's getting passed up in the showroom in favor of other cars.

OP you may have respect for Christianity but I for one don't trust grown adults with imaginary friends who try to scare me into believing in them and threaten me with eternal damnation.. But Love me...

That really is a Dbag move since it's completely separate lootstreams for every player it's not like we share loot and you have to fight for the legendary drops.

Jason part of the problem with the story is that they don't give you the complete story in the game. You have to go to bungie.net and explore the grimoire and read the cards there's a large portion of the story in there and it is actually pretty good.

Is it odd? but I still think she's pretty damned cute.

None none of them deserve a sequel. Unless a game is developed as part of a trilogy or larger arc in the first place all sequels serve to do is cash in and diminish the fondness for which the original is remembered. The thing almost all of these game have in common is that they are stand alone games with no need or

I think you need to go and look at some of these videos several of them state that this a "publisher paid" content in the description or even in some cases like x-factor he has it listed as sponsored by Activision on the title screen for the video.

This FFXI example isn't really a case where they kept the economy going... they are to blame for the crash once something was done. Don't get me wrong SquEnix is to blame too for doing nothing for so long.

I'm not in the games industry. However I'm very glad to see that managers like this exist elsewhere. I used to work with an ISP that went under my director who was also "laid off" did almost the exact same thing for me.

Great a one armed punkrock bimbo game where the primary focus is a arm ripped off of a terminator with a plot about at thick as water.... Yeah I'll pass.

Note even close I named mine "Sheep" Shepard cause it was funny at the time.

TL;DR, however why wouldn't you play as a woman in games? As a strait male I find the female form more attractive to watch in motion. Given the option of staring at a digital idealized representation of a male or female in a game. I invariably choose to look at the female. If I'm going to spend 2+ hours staring at

does this remind anyone else of numbers stations?

I just came back across this because someone recommended a post and I have to say this is probably one of the most intelligent and polite exchanges I've ever had on the internet.

I think people need to stop being so sensitive. I thought that was hilarious which I'm pretty sure is what they were going for.