
So, you want to buy an aircraft carrier. Stateside, there's only one place you can go—Newport News Shipbuilding, the largest dry-dock in the western hemisphere.

Just tape a piece of tinfoil to the front of it shiny side out and the infrared will be effectively blocked, you could also use a piece of space blanket or shiny mylar. At any rate I won't be getting the Xbone.

This just makes me feel more justified for choosing the PS4 Thanks for letting me know I made the right choice.

People still play this polished turd of a game? I mean Black Ops was awesome but Black Ops 2 should have been named Black Ops Ver .00002 it brought less than nothing new to the game and just gave us some new maps and weapons. It's a joke give me something new please.

is it just me or do these look like Mad Cats controllers.

This will sway me slightly but given the complete redesign that's taken place for Sony id be surprised if they announced that we couldn't capture on their console. I think its a bit early though to make a decision given that we don't have all the facts.

Perhaps, I'm pretty sure it'll only be required for online play. But meh,

LOL, the thing is not everyone reads game blogs or sites like this so there will be kids who don't have a stable online connection who purchase a game because they like driving games who won't be able to play it at all, if it's true you have to download additional information to play. For people like us who read up on

MAG a great game that suffered from Sony's short sightedness. They wanted a COD killer which will never happen. COD is the Honda civic of shooters it's imensely popular arguably not the best but people still love it. Sony/Zipper failed to patch quickly and to advertise. I saw BLOPS commericals almost a full year after

Because though their is a multiplayer component not being able to play the single player portion of the game that you payed for is unacceptable. So if you can't play the game at all it sucks monkey balls and everyone should riot. however if the dl is just for multiplayer and you can't play that then its an issue but

Yeah your definition has been.....

Yep they'd screw this up horribly,


They'd probably change the end to have her life never even in question and make Joel sacrifice her to save the world instead of being selfish and save himself.

Good point but remember that this was all in the PS3's favor untill the 360 took the majority. What I mean is that MS only has this leverage if they outsell PS4 if they undersell and PS4 is on top developers will feel free to ignore these arbitrary rules because keeping their games from XB1 will only hurt microsoft

I guess I've got bad eyes cause I can sort of see it in the new character from the right angle maybe if the lighting is just right. But the old one to me looks even less like Ellen Paige. Although I think she has a pretty Generic look.

Besomyka1 you make my point for me Gender is defined by your physical characteristics not your mind. Similar to the way your race is defined by physical characteristics not your mind. You can feel like a woman all you want that doesn't make you a woman exactly the same way feeling all those other things I mentioned

So by that mindset, I feel black so I should be allowed to use the N'word? Or maybe I feel like a zombie and should be allowed to express myself by eating your face? This if you feel like something you are is bullshit. I feel like I'm an astronaut but that doesn't make me one.


Might I suggest VIOLENCE!!!!!

I'm also a big fan of the Big Green Egg, The ceramic provides the insulation that the Weber is missing. Also thank you for being so articulate and not responding the way the majority of the users on here do it, was quite refreshing having getting a well though out and mature response for a change.


Fixed :P

We'll that's actually awesome if it is true. GAME BACK ON... now it's a fair fight and the Sony/Microsoft fanboys can really get their argument on.