Adam Hayter

No, but cumulatively these changes cause a raise in ocean temperatures. Because the ocean is very very big, while the numerical temperature change is small, the overall energy change is huge. Thus, Global Warming.

Will it not run on a single gpu core on the dual gpu card? I really don't know how those work to be honest.

Now playing

German guns you say? He has such a way with words.

No, it's an airdrop of FREEDOM!

A 690 is an SLI dual core card.


Now playing

Everyone knows the carbon fibre gives you the pimp factor.

Now playing

Not the old old days, but reasonably old in comparison to where we are today. I miss it terribly.

I don't find RSS so great for news, as the news websites themselves are usually better laid out, but for keeping track of a whole mess of webcomics I haven't stumbled upon a better solution.

A Winchester

You misspelled "FFIX".

I wouldn't know I'm afraid. I haven't kept in the loop for LeMons in the US, and as far as I know there's no direct equivalent in the UK :(

Get car crushed to pieces because it is clearly worth more than $500.

Replied to wrong thread, sorry

The state of the internet summed up nicely in one Gif. I'm in the middle :p

Itty Bitty Orbiting Commitee?

This is an excellent step of legitimizing video games in the public mind. Hopefully more projects can happen in lines with this, like the Smithsonian doing it's video games thing too.