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    ....I'm saving this to play for new years. I love this video and it's the perfect thing to start the year off with!

    The body weight thing is the kicker really. I get people who ask me how I can give massage all day. They exclaim that my hands must be so strong. I actually have really weak hands and a horrifically poor grip. All of the pressure in the massages comes from using my body to apply weight correctly.

    I think it's because it wasn't good enough to be a top 10 best or bad enough to be a top 10 worst. As a movie it's sort of just THERE.

    When they taught us japanese they taught us middle level business formality. We learned casual speech on our own. Once you learn the formal it's easier to step down to the informal than the other way around I think. Maybe that works in every language? It's been awhile since my linguistics classes.

    My family just waits at the gas station a few miles out from the airport and then comes in to arrivals when I call. Usually by the time they're there so am I.

    He's not trying to re-buy things, but reminding himself he doesn't need that new book, as he hasn't read the 20 he's already bought yet.

    Yes but if you're doing a western movie there's no way that "indian's" not going to be either blood thirsty savage or some magical medicine man.

    Actually..it's alarmingly common to portray cultures and ethnic groups as stereotypes...just not so extreme as they like to do with the Roma.

    A lot of csrs have busy enough days. My call is usually in this order.

    I start in deep sleep stage most of the time anyway...yay Narcolepsy. Honestly the everyman schedule with a little more at the night is similar to what I was doing before medication. Now I just make sure my computer and everything is turned off by midnight.

    But how did e. coli end up in the FLOUR...what are they processing this stuff in...?!

    Ah, but they didn't trust her. They ripped her memories from her body and tossed them in an artifact for convenient use.

    And there are a some angry men and women that DO become terrorists.

    Don't have kids do you? HG was my mother's favorite character. When I asked her why she said because she can understand wanting to destroy the world because the world destroyed your baby. She's never been secretly evil or malicious really.

    I get a lot of wallpapers from Microsoft's page. I know, weird, right? They have some seriously lovely stuff there.

    Someone likely didn't think. There's a line of nail polish for the muppet movie even. We sell it at my work..

    Of course if you're going for those mail in rebates don't forget your extra receipt copies and you probably want to bring stamps and envelopes with you. After you're done the black friday insanity, stop somewhere for coffee and fill those out and drop them in a post box immediately. Far too many people forget them.

    Of course if you're going for those mail in rebates don't forget your extra receipt copies and you probably want to bring stamps and envelopes with you. After you're done the black friday insanity, stop somewhere for coffee and fill those out and drop them in a post box immediately. Far too many people forget them.

    We get them up to date browsers and teach basic internet safety to avoid getting masses of spam mails from them with chain letters or getting calls about how the internet is broken.

    I'm too busy for my mother's constant tech support requests. I work every day of the week but Monday, which is my cleaning day, so I offer my mother a few choices. She can: