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    I can't figure out these new layouts....

    What really terrifies me is that people believe their lies, even though the evidence that's readily available out there denies them. My father told me planned parenthood's only purpose was abortion. That's what the media told him, so it must be true right?

    Yeah, because he didn't have to show us a comparison at all.

    I have never had an issue installing things through ninite. It's my favorite way to set up an installer for my parents, as I was extremely tired of coming over and uninstalling toolbars. Thank you for such a fantastic tool!

    Yeah...I don't really ever have any success with roll-backs.


    Considering that's more than I make in a month right now? ....no thanks.

    She didn't name anyone specific or give identifying information about any of the students did she?

    Seriously. There comes a point where you need to do more than slap the child on the wrist. Obviously he knows he's doing wrong and simply does not care.

    @Cansinth: You do know they're going to look at the recount and tell you your dps isn't cutting it and you need to shape up or you're going to be kicked from the raid, even if you are Mom.

    Oh wow. Kids learning games like this..it's always so adorable.

    @kcunning: I buy a box of thin mints from a friend's daughter each year, but that's about it. There are better cookies out there certainly.

    Or for people who REALLY REALLY REALLY like their photoshop, if you know what I mean.

    @monsterpartysquad: "usually you people don't read!" Someone REALLY said that?

    @AristotlesCrab: True enough, which is why I stand back and just want to strangle people like Santorum. It wouldn't solve anything, but it'd feel so good.

    @helen.skor: It drives me nuts. I know far too many people who go to planned parenthood for various things, and none of them have ever gone because of anything related to pregnancy or abortion.

    @packetloss: wat: Introduce the problem of soldiers and students playing overseas.

    @OneColdMonkey: A lot of the gold sellers hack accounts of the idiots that BUY the gold and take everything from them and their guild doubling or tripling the gold they have to sell (or even more) in just a few short minutes.

    @CandlejackDANZA: Paypal has guidelines when you sign up that you agree to. Technically being a gold seller violates these.