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    @Yamato: In the end I think he did that because Bobby was just not that important to him anymore. So he let them think they got something valuable for something valuable when they got next to nothing and he got what he wanted.

    @evility: I shall go mention this to some fangirls and see what they do.

    Oh god, that's horrible. Why in the world would she do that?! Why in the world did she have it in a jar??

    @lolita7b3: Maybe they feel like they don't have to apologize? After all, when even your doctor can attempt to treat you as less than human and that's considered socially acceptable...

    @ecapox: I think the whole point is that more civilians are dying over there than any other group. I doubt the civilians care who killed them, as they're still dead.

    @umaxyome: or more sensible? Spending so much on clothes is silly.

    @ServoCannotHoverOverGrates: Mostly because I am not sure it counts as a movie..but I get what you mean. However 1 movie vs the dozens of movies that are released each year is still sad.

    @Babylon78: I have a webhost already. All I'm looking for is a good domain registrar with privacy and maybe pop3/imap email address service. So since most of them offer it...now I get to find the best service.

    @Kin: The only theft reports I can find are the results of email phishing...when did this happen?

    @grimjack28: Ah you have a point. I can't recall any movie other than martial arts or comedy martial arts that has an Asian person as a lead. I also can't think of one where they get the girl.

    @Vexxarr: You know what? I actually liked Constantine ok. It wasn't fantastic but it was not intolerable to me. Probably because I hadn't got my hands on the source material first.

    I hope he has the good sense to decline it if he is offered the role.

    @Rescue9: Yeah, I'm asking around in the comments because I'm looking to TRANSFER. So, I want to know why people are voting. If it's just for the cheapest price I don't care. I'm looking for the best balance of value and features.

    @108Reliant: apparently if you can navigate it they offer a ton of features for the price.

    @SquareWheel: Can you give details on why namecheap is the best?

    @Kathleen Kasper: why? (No i'm not insulting you, I'm looking for a new registrar and was seriously considering transferring to them)

    @cksubs: I know people who navigate it fine. I've worked on websites for people who do it.