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    So! Ajh is an idiot and broke her ankle in 3 places. (Slipped on the linoleum and fell, I'm lucky nothing else was hurt.)

    @pavement: I've never heard of this site. I shall have to go check it out! I love several of the bands in this area, and it'd be nice to see what's outside my tiny world.

    @MsInformed: And just how do you think they wouldn't attempt to collect the money?

    @JustJakey: All they're convincing me of is they don't care about the music, just the money.

    @MsInformed: Look, I'm not even saying they're justified in stealing the music. I have a subscription service through zune. I don't steal music.

    @MsInformed: So you'd be happy if you got a $50,000 ticket for going 5 over the speed limit? Don't speed and there's no fine?

    @kevipants!: Oo. Are they teaching you about the RIAA stuff specifically at any point in the class?

    @AutobahnBurner: If the RIAA came after me I'd fight it too. (Especially since I haven't downloaded any music.)

    @kevipants!: But the copyright laws were never made for this. They were made for people selling bootleg stuff.

    @BLToday: Might I recommend the local artists in your area? Most of them have no labels and sell their music from small distributors or burned cds.

    @HidingInCanada: This is the US. Big business is always right. Sorry to inform you.

    @fuzzybob: Yes, if you have to explain what fiesharing is, they aren't MY peers.

    @MifuneT: They've admitted they're just trying to set examples.

    @tigolbitties: I'd suggest rental services instead. I'm actually quite happy with the zune service. It's foolproof against getting caught because it's actually legal.

    @MsInformed: Hi, MsInformed. I'm one of the many people that read gizmodo who does not steal music but still thinks this is very wrong.

    Mhm...When does this come out for pc again? Next year first quarter right? This makes me want to play it more...

    @Garlador: I'm pretty sure western games in general are laughed at by the Japanese....

    @Satchwar: Well, how much better can you make a steaming pile of poo smell?