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    @TheLolotov: Have you tried a multi alarm system in different places in your room set just a few minutes apart?

    @mobiusuk: It's not. It's for energy savings or something. All it means to me is I'll be driving to work at dawn instead of in pure dark.

    @kondrik: And the cows never could tell the difference.

    @Oranges w/ Cheese has 2 cats! ahahaha.: I did this this morning, then I realized I don't work this weekend, and the timeswitch is on a weekend I work (Every other) so it had to be next week.

    I have a battery powered alarm clock and another plugged in to the wall on the other side of the room. I also have my phone getting texts from google calendar to get me to leave for work, and no one else sends me texts at 6:00..or at least they better not. Either way, between the 3 I've never been late. When I had

    @Vexxarr: She also has a bigger anime collection than anyone I know..

    @CountDrewku: Yes. But mostly we just annoy you with stories.

    @LadyTL: That was my experience with my friends in college that have asperger's.

    @beanspeppin: I didn't see why anyone would make fun of him. He pointed out something and they said oh hey we'll fix that. No big deal.

    @Ender18: Could you speak in front of 20,000? That's how big some of the crowds were at blizzcon...

    @Vexxarr: You think the NES she got my sister and I for christmas one year was for US?

    @donnniegoat: Yeah I refuse the soapbox for this one. No one's blaming videogames here really.

    @graavigala: 16 and 18 are by far old enough to know that killing people is Illegal.

    @abdouglass: I suppose, but we already KNEW she was a hypocrite. All the candidates in delaware this time around seem like bad choices. I'm still trying to make lists of who is the lesser evil.

    @Ima B. Me: I do live in delaware. I'm not voting for her. This makes me feel bad for her but her politics scare me more.

    @goshiro: You do realize that those obese americans pay taxes too right? Also, have you ever seen hating and shaming work in getting people to change their behavior? It goes against everything we know about how people work to shame people over their weight in an effort to fix it.

    @leadingZer0: Most of the health issues related to weight are really related to an unhealthy lifestyle. This is why we see more people who LOOK thin, but aren't healthy getting things like hypertension and diabetes.

    Rental? Are you kidding? I'm probably going to drag my mother to this opening weekend. Crazy wolverine fangirl...I shall show her the error of her ways!

    @homescrub: In this area? It's actually fairly common for them to have ipod touch. iphones are rare.