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    @Grimfella: What in the world would i do with a relationship? I'd have to trade my sleep for it. Family, Class, and Work leave me sick from exhaustion some days. Also I've had to fend off creepy admirers, guys who insist I'm interested in them because a girl doesn't game for any other reason, and then there was that

    @Tyrunn: Oh no, if you shoot the home intruder and kill them he can't press charges here. -_- see how backwards that is?

    @Tyrunn: Automatic firearms are a lot harder to get a permit for than a regular handgun. Some types are still illegal.

    @palerider1775: Ah, I'm not saying that the armed suspect is right. I'm saying that he's dead now and the facts make me wonder. I'd like to see what comes out of the investigation. If the police had good reason to shoot like that, then they had good reason.

    @trunkenmath: True, but in the back? Is it standard to shoot fleeing people in the back? I know around here the police have tasers for that sort of situation.

    @Tyrunn: The reason this is making a lot of news is he was fleeing. Most police have TASERS also. They shouldn't shoot a fleeing suspect in the back.

    Gah, not that stereotype again. Most of the D&D players I know either have a long term boyfriend or girlfriend or are married anyway. (Myself and the 18 year old being the exceptions. Neither of us are looking for relationships, and both of us know we could go find one if we wanted, but are entirely too busy at the

    @matchboxmatt: Actually they're currently under investigation for the incident.

    @Tyrunn: In the US most police that I know of have a firearm. Some have a firearm and a dog. They shoot armed and resisting people to kill as far as I can recall. But this? In the back? Something's fishy about that.

    At least we don't throw away most of the cow? Using all of the animal is preferable to just grabbing the meat and trashing the rest.

    @tallchair: In the first and last article(the link to the second one is broken for me) the key word here is GIVEN.

    @BrknPheonix: Yes I can check out ebooks from home. What would be the point otherwise?

    @mer7: They're a place to focus. Especially if you live in a noisy place. I often went to the library to study during college, because my roommate liked bringing friends over to hang out.

    @BrknPheonix: My library has ebooks. My library also lets me go online to mess with my account and use the card catalog from home. During busy weeks when I know just what I want i reserve some books and wait for my phone call. Then I go and pick them up.

    @Jams: I think the latest thing is 3d porn now, remember?

    Uh, two of our libraries are expanding in this county. They have a lot of visitors, there are always volunteers (they could always use more thought, you can see if your library lets you adopt a shelf. You come in like once or twice a week and make sure your shelf is in order.) and there's forever people checking out

    @ggp9690: ...get the demo of Civ 5? maybe that'll help your decision?

    @Kobun: Call your credit card company and see if there are pending charges and get your card locked from psn until it's cleared up?

    @MRMATT: I don't see the resemblance...