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    @Saturnine: I will wait on Civ V and none of those other games hold interest to me.

    @That-Other-Guy-Over-There: The Last Airbender...isn't that the movie that the cartoon's creators won't even comment on?

    Starcraft 2 co-op against AI + Percocet = Interesting time. I managed to build up an very large army...and forgot to send it out to help destroy the computer opponent. He didn't need the help but still. Oops.

    I don't know if this is the answer. I don't know if we should be locking people up as much as we do either. The entire system's broken and needs to be redone from scratch.

    @ikaiyoo: That stinks. That's probably the first time many of them learned any useful job skills even.

    I was all about number munchers when I was a kid...

    Third. I can't think of any situation i'd chose otherwise given the option.

    @Grievlocke: I have no issues with people who chose to be any kind of sex worker. It's the ones that are forcing people into it (pimps, drug pushers) that are the real problem.

    Whats gets me is people cry socialism about everything...except social security and medicare. Probably because it benefits them directly so it's okay.

    @Grievlocke: First I've heard of it but I don't keep up on internet short hand, as I find it tends to hinder clear communication.

    @robotecm: As I can't even convince myself to want to buy it...good luck finishing it.

    @Boomaga: Sounds more interesting already. As a girl growing up I hated all that "for girls" stuff. Ninja Turtles, Comic Books, and Nintendo for me thanks.

    @Embur: Another vote for Knights of the Old Republic. Dragon Age also. It's fantasy but it feels similar to ME2.

    @Nintendocrazed: If you get hit too much do you have to play the rest of the game in her underwear?

    @Grievlocke: Uhm...yes you did say you didn't read it. Unless TLDR means something else these days?

    @Ben506: My stepmother has been unemployed for 5 months now because she's overqualified for a lot of the job openings out there. She's 50. Where do they think she's going to go?

    @Grievlocke: She IS a person. She doesn't give up her rights to being a person just because she's doing a job you do not approve of. You're really focusing on the wrong aspect of this story and just trolling Kotaku anyway. I mean you just said you didn't read the article.