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    @jpri26: I would never buy a bioware game on console..they just don't do console as well usually.

    @Shinta: Someone else thought of morrowind in regards to the graphics, I see....

    @Drogmir: I'd like it if my pc talked. I was sad she didn't in dragon age.

    @yamatosword: It's not a problem until she has trouble seeing later on in life. Let her be...avoid the trouble.

    @slamdance: Maybe they keep us without stars so that they can keep our lovely comments all to themselves.

    @nowdevidebyzero: In MMOs the first thing I do is turn the music WAAAAY down or off. I use voice chat.

    @stradric: At least those are optional...you don't need to share your real name on them with the world if you don't want to. For example searching for me by name? You'll not find me. I'm not searchable.

    @slamdance: Maybe not. I feel like I'm unloved because I don't have a star.

    @elementary: Because he doesn't love you anymore? And it is kind of just a post with profanity.

    @ThursdayNext: My friends said "hey we'll save money by going to the 2d movies since you can't see 3d!"

    @ThursdayNext: deaf people can watch tv, blind people can hear tv. And I don't mind the 3ds because it has a slider so I can play it too, even if I can't see in 3d.

    @yamatosword: She's been to an eye doctor? You can have 20-20 and still have a vision problem that prevents stereoscopic vision.

    I actually...agree with him on the description of the iPad. Game machine-type thing that people are stroking with strange gestures works fantastically, because you can't use them as your only computer, they only run flash if you hack them and I really can't see what they're supposed to be for other than motion and

    Uhm, no....the reason it hasn't been easy to shift any significant volume of ds games might have to do with the large amount of complete crap in the DS lineup too. Just, something to think about.

    @John of Fire: I'd buy one..and I don't buy action figures generally.

    ...he just shot that annoying little sprite thingy. That alone makes this video awesome.

    @SilentAssassn87: 1920x1080...also known as the resolution my monitor is. And fps? I hover between 50 and 100 most games, even with a lot of things going on on the screen.

    @ara: Ah. See I haven't messed with photoshop since cs3. Even then I think I'd go for processor and memory rather than sinking any more than $100ish into a video card if i was doing photoshop stuff...