@brc is never late, because of his v8: How's that Starbucks coffee this morning? He does not get people like you, so I guess the feeling is mutual.
@brc is never late, because of his v8: How's that Starbucks coffee this morning? He does not get people like you, so I guess the feeling is mutual.
@SmaartAasSaabr: That was one of the points in the article. When people feel safe, they are actually less safe. Council is all about the apperance of saftey, like the SUV.
@Lotte: Ontario laws suck. They were talking on the radio this morning about how the cops in Ottawa are handing out fines for no bell on your bike this week. I can't count how many grey cars in the rain I have seen only because they hit the brakes. They need to start removing pointless laws so the cops can enforce…
@Daveinva: You are supposed to merge at the highway speed. How does where on the on-ramp make a differance? I can see if you are merging before your at speed, but that happens all a long the ramp.
@Rust-MyEnemy: Is this Fark.com? I thought I was on Jalop.
@jedchev: The suburbs are part of the problem though. By spreading people out, you take space away from food production, and increase energy use per person. The best thing for the environment would be for everyone to live in high-rise buildings designed to waste as little power as possible.
Could have also ment main straight.
@lumpyone: My buddies did this behind my car in the snow. They were not even using GT racers though, just shoes, holding on to the spoiler.
@Turboner: That's what I was thinking too.
@Flathead Smith and the Screaming Straight Pipes: Because it doesn't see driving on a gravel parking lot as off-roading like an H2 does.
@spitfire74: I heard they found a sub under construction in the rainforest. These guys don't mess around.
@Flathead Smith and the Screaming Straight Pipes: In the same way pylons make autocross tracks?
Service from Canadian Tire.
@BenjiS: I have to agree with that. I'm not sure I could abstain from following. I find myself chasing nice cars in my old SAAB. If I had a 430....
@P161911 probably shoudn't have: I was wondering how you could own a Vet and not have the $$ to get someone to spray your car. This makes more sense.
@BlueBomb: I'll admit to not knowing a lot about how cars are sold, but didn't Chrysler make their money when they sent to car to the dealer? I thought dealers bought cars from the manufacturer, so the only person to lose money will be the dealer. Am I wrong about that?
@snapoversteer's profile on Sikes's website has a misleading picture: Just beause I'm in a nit-picky mood, your describing vehicle control, not driving. Driving is all about awareness anticipation confidence and vehicle control. Just as racing is not just about vehicle control.
@fuhteng: It's hiding in the same place as corporate responsibility. Somewhere in a courthouse library.
@LemursGT: But if someone doesn't know word from excel, they won't hurt you. Hell they won't hurt themselves. If they don't know how to operate a car, they can, and do, kill people. If they don't think for themselves and instead follow the herd, the can, and do, kill people.
@drewheyman: I go to 1 mechanic. He is most interested in scandanavian vehicles, like my SAAB. I have tried other places and had issues because they are not familiar with SAABs, and because some of them like to selly ou things you don't need. Would you take a Ford pickup to the same place as a Nissan GTR?