
The wheels are identical. I've owned both pre- and post-facelift MZ6 models.

This is DC- the city government takes ineptitude and corruption to another level.


Fucking cowboys. I hope they get stuck paying for the damage personally.

I wish it was that interesting but it was actually just plain stupid. RHYBRID = rye bread. I just left the photo there to see if anyone else was as warped as me.

awd cars are heavy, it is hard to avoid it. Even the 991 turbo is going to clock in at over 3500 lbs, and the porsche is typically on the light side, though they have been getting heftier. Im sure they could work on dropping some weight.

My favorite scene from the entire Evil Dead series. Thanks.

"I'm not left-handed, either."

He's the one!

" Lady, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the store."

Now playing

Not SF, but you have to love the double reversal !

Now playing

I'm sorry, but it's got to be in my top 5 moments in movie history.

For a character who is pretty much nothing but a series of Crowning Moments of Awesome, this one stands head and shoulders above the rest. Punching through someones head and bellowing a one-liner. You really couldn't find a panel that sums up the character better.

Serenity is an exercise in turning the tables. Serenity at the head of a Reaver fleet. And then... this:

Evil Dead 2 - Ash. The ultimate victim turns the tables moment in horror history.