
The book is trash, plain and simple.

Yes, it was very odd for a major studio release with the weight of talent behind it. Also, the visual effects were often rather shoddy for the money involved. At least it seems to have hit home with the younger audiences.

It was painfully bad, and so many of the directorial choices bizarre (especially lenses and framing) that it felt amateurish at times, or like a bad TV movie from the early 80s. It’s a shame, because the young talent were good.

I really don’t want to go through that, since I’ve been out of the dreaded “grays’ for ages.

Now, here’s a question...

It used to be a struggle to find fresh Guinness in the US, but thankfully that’s changed over the last decade or so. Still, it’s not like having a pint in Dublin, or the UK for that matter.

I honestly don’t understand the appeal of slathering reverb onto a track. It’s nonsensical to me, and isn’t evocative of anything other than buying my first Lexicon 300.

Really? I really don’t see it that way, and aside from some issues converting my library over from Windows have never had any issues.


I’m so disappointed that one of the best mole restaurants in LA, Rocio’s Mole De Los Dioses, burned a couple of years back, and still has not reopened and may never do so according to some reports.

That’s fucking animal cruelty.

Bulgarian yogurt is still the best I’ve ever had, especially the fig yogurt.

The display is absolutely the one major weak spot of the device.

No specifc date yet, and Macrumors is also saying a new one is forthcoming this year, and warns not to buy as the current model is “near the end of cycle”. I would imagine Summer.


Yeah, I’m working right now with my 2011 iMac, which has the RAM maxed and a new SSD, and I’ve no complaints.

But, hey, you keep working where you are and calling others out over their “hypocrisy”, Nolan.

I will say that an SSD in a Windows laptop helps extend their usefulness by quite a bit. My spouse is solely a Windows user, and was replacing her laptops every two or three years, until I recommended she get an SSD.

Well, one of my desktops is a Windows machine that is eleven years old this year, and it’s doing quite well.

My mid-2011 is still running well, but is reaching “end of life” in Apple’s eyes, so while I’m in the market to replace it, I’ll definitely wait until the latest is out. Single best, most reliable laptop I’ve ever had.