
After he shot himself with a gun loaded with blanks. He knew better, which is the really sad thing.

This is the sort of thing I would love to see more of around here.

Oh, just wait...

Inspiration for the Susan Alexander character in Citizen Kane, along with the more obvious Marion Davies, of course.

And we slide further down the long spiral towards the doom of complete stupidity.

Bagels and challah are my crack.

Oh, great...

I hope their other children are safe from their batshit insanity.

WTH is wrong with you all?

Another good reason not to bother having children.

Thanks, “conservatives”!

If I hadn’t stopped with the tofu, I might have had to resort to such surgery. Thankfully, I realized what was happening to my body.

The financial impact of the failure of the show and the game was massive for SyFy/NBC/Universal/Comcast - it was a costly endeavor without much prior research into the market nor apparent thought put into the execution of the story.

Carl’s Jr. had the king of fast food hot dogs.

“Undercranked” refers to shooting action at a slower frame rate, resulting in a speeded-up look when projected.

Fury Road was a massive letdown after all of that build up in the media. It’s a silly, overwrought exercise with a ridiculous amount of stupid, undercranked action that looks like an average episode of Gilligan’s Island.

Another reason to hate the smarm champion, Jimmy Fucking Fallon.

This is why we need the MPAA.

Came to say this, glad you did.