
Wait... People have forgotten about this? How is that possible?

That’s a whole lot of ‘derp’.

I adore that commercial.

...and the cat would have let him drown.

I adore the G2, but still carry my Meisterstück regularly.

I adore the G2, but still carry my Meisterstück regularly.

1. What an utterly, sadly appropos username you’ve taken.

She and Jennifer Connell* need to hook up and become besties.

Having had experiences thirty years ago taking young women to such clinics in Texas (as a friend, not father to a foetus) and seeing them accosted by protesters outside the clinic, my disgust level was already high with that state.

...and in the end, it's just another Star Wars: Battlefront game.

Your loss.

Utter nonsense.

Apparently, he doesn’t have the courage of his convictions (or perhaps the money to pay for his domain) because a lot of the links are dead.

Thank you.

Oh, my god...

That way lies boredom.

SO much better than 500 days of whoever...

I do have a type (and one very atypical for most men), and stayed with it (consciously or not) for years, and many relationships, but my current, longest-term was someone completely outside of that type (aside from having a brain), and I couldn’t be happier.

A Jewish president in this country should pretty much explode the tiny heads of the far right conspiracy nutjobs already upset by Obama.

Okay, it’s got the usual bag of tricks that have become de rigueur of late, but I am pleased to see a return to more gothic forms of horror in several films this year.