Like you, Senator Claire McCaskill is over Game of Thrones
Like you, Senator Claire McCaskill is over Game of Thrones
I've never had any problems cooking rice.
Ugh. I find her to be bland and talent-free.
It's the same in the film industry, especially in post and VFX.
Thank you. It's painful, still, and now he'll have it the rest of his life. Ugh.
It is apparently exceedingly rare, especially for someone his age,
My four-year-old nephew just got shingles from a chickenpox vaccine.
Fun stuff.
You’d be surprised. Many of the menu items at Subway have just as many calories and as much fat and sodium as anything from McDonald’s.
The sodium levels alone are problematic.
The sad part is that Americans are trading out unhealthy options like McDonald’s for equally unhealthy crap like Subway and Chipotle, not for something actually better.
You know, a lot of people who work in the film business are notoriously messed up, but I’ve really never run into anyone as uniquely and completely batshit insane as fashion types.
That's one terribly unappealing looking book.
Disgusting, all around.
Remember when Apple just forced that new U2 album on everyone and we were outraged because a) no one likes U2 anymore
Bravo, Mr. Downey, bravo.
Well, I laughed.