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So tell me, if this is not propaganda, then what are all these other “must-run” statements, previously filmed segments(from an outside source) and news announcements that Sinclair forces their stations to air? Most of which are anti-muslim, anti-media, and pro Trump. Don’t take my word for it...Google it or better yet

You know it’s quite simple to not get banned from things - DON’T BE A DOUCHE!

North Korea has never kept their word on nuclear development - ever. This is a just a means to gain the time needed to finish their program.

Ever read a note written by a student that goes to a school Devo’s says is a great school? “2day at skool we lernt bout sum dood that leaved long agoe named Geezuss Chryst it wus uhmazing.”

Simple...”Get rid of these toxic players.” There is no place for this kind of player in the leagues. Let them go back to their own living rooms and wallow in their own social cesspool of their making.

You don’t watch the news very often, because Russia is known for using video game footage. It’s a major source of propaganda for them.

NBC Sports has not done a very good job at all with the Olympics. ::sigh:: You’d expect better - look how long they have been in the business. Instead it’s like a bunch of amateurs were given control.

Not buying a new phone until they have 5G connectivity, a minimum 6GB of ram, 256GB storage, fast GPU, and a bezel-to-bezel 6.5" screen.

This wouldn’t have been an issue with self driving or pod cars.

How many of those are by Russian Trolls trying to stir up shit? Twitter knows who they are and doesn’t delete them. It makes me wonder who really is in charge of Twitter and why the continue to allow these people to continue to exist. Why haven’t they deleted any of Trumps bots that follow him and jack up his number

You know the saddest thing after reading some of the comments here...Trump, his cronies, the holier than though religious right and the hate driven white supremacist, and the frakking Russian troll farms have managed to turn just about everyone against everyone. It’s gotten to the point where we’ve started hating on

I met her IRL long ago, just after STNG had ended. She was one of the nicest persons I ever met. Thing is I am 5'10" and she is only like 5'3", if that, and I remember saying to her that day we first met, “You seemed taller on Star Trek.” She laughed and said, “It’s all about the heels.” BTW she is a blast to be

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No mention of one of the best flight sims currently available - War Thunder? Really...

No volume control? Really!

If it is like most AMD CPU’s you’ll need a robust cryo cooling system to keep the thing from melting down under load.

Mikky D’s use to offer the McKinley Mac. Was available in Alaska only or you could special order it off their secret menu. It was basically a Big Mac made with the same size meat patty as the quarter pounder(1/4 pound meat patty). This one look much larger thatn that. 1/3 pound meat patty is huge.

Waiting for Ford to release their totally electric self driving car. Not going to be another vehicle until it is fully electric and self driving.

Trump and those that follow him don’t give two shits about protest. You can have a billion people march on DC and it would not make one bit of difference. Trump and his pals will do what they like now and protesters be damned.

I’m waiting for the extended version before seeing it. Friend that saw the movie says he suspects the best part of the movie ended up on the cutting room floor and he hopes an extended, or directors cut, puts much of it back in to make the movie and character development better than what is being seen in the current

We as a society will adapt to the new tech, just the way we did with smart phones. Many said Apples first smart phone was a gimmick and too expensive for the average consumer. Guess what, few homes have landlines now and everyone and their mother has a smartphone of some type. Same will happen with self driving