Just picked up 2 of these at Newegg for $110 apiece. :)
Just picked up 2 of these at Newegg for $110 apiece. :)
Just picked up 2 of these at Newegg for $110 apiece. :)
Just picked up 2 of these at Newegg for $110 apiece. :)
I have 59 hours into the PC version(lol don’t judge me!) Yes, thats a too much since it wa only released Friday, but in my defence it’s scorching hot outside so what better way to spend some hours in late summer than parked in front of a PC playing a game. Anyway...I like the game, as you can see and still haven’t…
Artist need to stop selling through 3rd parties and market their songs themselves. If you are good your music will sell. You get all the profit. With today’s tech there is no need for record labels that rip off artist. I’d much rather pay directly to an artist than buy the music off a website ran by a company that is…
I know, right? People just don’t ssem to grasp the immensity of this game. It’s not like WoW. In the areas inhabited by humans in E:D(which is measured in lightyears distances) there are over a million star systems alone. Even if all the people who currently play online games played Elite, all at the same time, and we…
If I were an athlete I’d boycott this Olympics. Isn’t your life more important than a medal you’ll just pawn later?
OMG yes! Love Iron Maiden. Have all their albums, DVD’s, and I hope they make a new one of this tour like they did for their Iron Maiden Flight 666 Tour! Greatest heavy metal band ever! If you haven’t gotten their latest album Book of Souls - go get it! It’s as good as Seventh Son of a Seventh Son album.
Wow, and no pun intended, but wow. This is one of the best cosplays I think I’ve ever seen.
How great would this be for table-top D&D?
Just another reason I will be deleting this game from my HD for ever more. Just add more grind to the grind. After playing WoW for 10 years I’m done. It was a great run and great game, but so sick of the grind and so sick of the green shit - as if we didn’t get enough of it in the outlands, then they brought it back…
Huffing cats is a gateway drug. Seriously...
Awesome, bet my brothers(whose squadrons were assigned to CVN 69 during the first Gulf War) are loving this. :)
No @Aronjlove, fuck you and your cheating ass! You don’t have the skill to play the game the way it was meant to be played - tough! So no, fuck you and anyone like you that thinks cheating is the answer. Get some skills you pansy ass little POS.
Kinda useless bombing empty places. Russia told the wrong people about doing this prior to doing it. They actually reported that they were going to bomb certain targets in Syria to the allied coalition command in Qatar the targets they were going after. Might as well tell Daesh yourself if you’re going to do that.…
No Z axis. It’s a 3D 2 axis arcade game. No thanks. I like my space and flight sims to be a little more engaging.
All ready backed 2 space MMO’s(Elite:Dangerous and Star Citizen). So I’m tapped out. Plus, it says Infinity: Battlescape will be at a minimum 2 more years in the making. So yeah...going to have to pass on that when I am all ready able to play Elite: D and soon SQ 42/PU of Star Citizen. :)
Hacks appear day one - game over. Unless everything is handled server side, you can bet that there will be all kinds of hacks for this game in a matter of days. For a game like this - hacks will kill it fast.
Want to talk about a scam. This game that has been on Early Access is a scam - it’s called “Line of Defense”. Piece of crap game doesn’t work. Neither the game company nor Steam will give you a refund. In fact if you ask the developer for a refund he just bans you from the games Steam forum.
Bullshit, FF14 was not well received. Why the hell do you think it was renamed and relaunched as FF14 A Realm Reborn? Because it sucked when it first came out. It was terrible. They went in and basically rewrote whole sections of the game after it was released...and continue to do so to this day. In fact the release…
Use to watch them take off from Gowen Field in Boise back in the 90’s. Same for the A-10, two great planes for their era.
Someday Blizzard will give us World of Warcraft HD and it’ll have graphics like those in Skyrim. :)