Airport Whiskey

Mee mother mee moo moids moo midenmimied mare mot mammom mexammles.

This shit is still easier to figure out than BMW’s lineup.

Torchinsky Star Wars articles are the best Star Wars articles.

You could maybe just watch the video for that.

2016 sucks even more now because of your post

Mayans must have miscalculated the end of the world by 4 years cause 2016 sucks.

I can’t quit any time I want. I just don’t want to right now.

k dad

Oh fuck off.

Guy seems like a Wierdo or a total dumbass.

This dude sounds insufferable. I hope he steps on Legos every morning.

With as retarded of a list of wants as he has, this is the only suitable option.

Jet fuel wont melt dominos

Yes, it was very smart not to focus on colonial atrocities in their Olympic advertising....

Considering they’ve been raising their prices since 2008 and obamacare was signed in 2010 and wasn’t completed until 2015......

Really? You’re really trying to rehabilitate Martin Shkreli as a populist hero? Let me guess, he bought the Wu Tang album as a form of protest to make it apparent how our music is overvalued.

As a production assistant who has been screamed at by Sarah Jessica Parker for not supplying green only M&Ms and enough Evian to shower in, I can tell you there is nothing more terrifying than a horse with an unfamiliar rider.