Alabama almost elected a guy to the Senate that cruised the local mall for teen girls, because he wasn’t a Democrat.
Alabama almost elected a guy to the Senate that cruised the local mall for teen girls, because he wasn’t a Democrat.
Another sad fact about crappy bottom feeders like this is that when their karma comes to punch them in the nads it will probably hurt not just him but some of those close to him. What he did with these pardons is evil and spiteful. History will remember him as toilet paper. Fate may not be so kind.
I hate everything.
Reading this sincerely hurts my stomach. You guys, I know this is a non murder blog - but if anyone touched my daughters I would straight up murder.
Fuck you, Bevin. We keep seeing worse & worse behaviour from the GOP, but I’ve never seen anything as spiteful as this, and I’m including GOP legislatures passing laws restricting an incoming Dem governor’s power. Gets voted out of office & pardons a bunch of people that any rational person would say should be locked…
I haven’t seen any evidence of this, but my gut feeling is every person he pardoned is a white man.
Boggles the mind not only was this guy ever elected, he just barely lost. A lot of people in KY see this fellow as their guy.
Well that’s a horrifying start to my morning. To continue the horror, he now apparently doesn’t even have to register as a sex offender.
“There was zero evidence,”
Maybe it’s not completely about his specifically having to hear the clip so much as it is about them not respecting their guest’s wishes, whatever they may be. It’s just an overall disrespectful thing to do, and I don’t blame the guy for getting pissed. I think Adam Driver is about as real and as genuine as it gets…
Yeah, I’ve never heard of Fresh Air before this, but I’ve heard of them now. It makes me wonder if this was part of the plan.
There’s literally dozens of things an actor can be asked about in an interview, without devolving into the navel-gazing exercise of examining your performance in a particular moment. Instead of respecting his clearly expressed and non-confrontational request, Fresh Air decided to push the issue and do it anyway.
It feels really gross.
OR he could promote the movie, talk about his acting, the cast and the story without having people cross the lines he has drawn.
Yes. This is what all the advice columns tell you to do. Set and enforce your boundaries.
>It seems like they were setting this up to have a conversation about why he doesn’t like listening to himself, which is also pretty rude of them.
After reading the Variety article there doesn’t seem to be any comment from Adam Driver or his publicist about the ‘incident’ so we don’t even know if the clip thing is why he walked out. If it is, the only side of the story we get is from NPR which, cool.
This! I also think with added stress of movie press junket AND the holidays makes doing this to someone an extra special shit sandwich.
Nope. He set clear boundaries, has reiterated them over and over AND OVVVVVVER. He said he doesn’t like it. He said he doesn’t want it. That is not being a fucking diva.