
Like I said, I know they want to. But except for Thomas, the rest seem to want to at least pay lip service to law in order to maintain public or self image as paragons of law. The law being what it is, they would really have to jettison all restraint. Not saying they won’t, just saying it won’t be as simple for them

Well, except Lurleen Wallace was her own woman and apparently less racist than George. And he's been dead a long time.

It’s not really giving her a pass; it’s pointing out a societal picture of the kinds of people who perpetuate racist systems also perpetuate other forms of oppression as well. I don’t know this woman well enough to judge her life choices.

More than a racist, Wallace was an opportunist.

Please don’t do that. Don’t give a pass to this white woman. By her own acknowledgement she for a long time sought to defend her father as a segregationist and not a vile racist. That kind of apathy or self-awareness has claimed the lives and humanity of many black people over the centuries..

Since the Supreme Court sets precedent; I have no doubt that they will gladly ignore previous precedent and set new ones. Remember, they believe abortion is “murder”. They think “God’s Law” has precedence over prior court rulings. Gorsuch, Thomas, Alito, and Kavanaugh will imho want to overturn Roe v. Wade; the only

Thanks. Then it wouldn’t have been age appropriate for her to go on about how her kid’s grandfather was a vile racist.

This short article leaves out a lot of details of her (and her dad’s) life, as does the interview it’s based on. Her dad apologized for his views in the last years of his life (whether that apology was genuine or not is up for debate, whether he deserves forgiveness is also up for debate and IMO it’s reasonable to

I know they WANT to overturn it, but speaking as a (nonpracticing) attorney I’m just not sure they really can, unless they literally choose to ignore all precedent. Thomas has always been quite happy to do so when it suits him, but the rest don’t seem quite so nutsy. All I can think is thank god Scalia is dead.

George Wallace did force his wife Lurleen to run for governor while she was dying of cancer so he could get around term limits and have a puppet governorship. I can only imagine how that affected the children.

According to the CNN article, he was 8 at the time.

The longer article covers a little lore of this. It’s worth reading. She doesn’t shy away from calling her father what he is. 

You can pick your friends, but you don’t get to pick your family. 

Selling a memoir.

Yeah, I’m side eyeing the hell out of that. I’ll be generous and believe that she feels this reconciling is maybe more resonant with people in a post Trump world. But really it is rather suspect, to say the least. 

Hey, if she’s had a change of heart good for her, but let’s cut the bullshit: she knows exactly why paw paw did it: paw paw did it to advance his career, to benefit himself and his family.

She was struck by her son’s question and decided then that she needed to speak 1996? So she was so moved, she started fighting the good fight by...writing a memoir 23 years later?

Not surprised that she didn’t have a voice growing up.  I imagine that her father saw her and her mother as possessions: southern womanhood that needed protecting and controlling.

I can sympathize with the struggle to love someone as you know them, as your parent and yet still finding yourself grossly at odds with their character and beliefs and actions. My parents didn’t raise me with any particular political beliefs but when I started forming my own opinions and voicing them, there was often

And so now we will find out just how far the Supreme Court controlled by right wing zealots will go in restricting abortion. And just in time for the 2020 election.