I can’t wait for one of his children to get in trouble and hear Trump say “I barely knew Don Jr.”
I can’t wait for one of his children to get in trouble and hear Trump say “I barely knew Don Jr.”
It looks like their are actual receipts.
Well, see: the plan waaaaas.....I’d write a check for a million and get that cush European Ambassadorship, right? Beaucoup parties! I mean, I’m a fun guy? Everyone knows that! Then they throw Ukraine at me. I was like, OK? WTF, but, OK, right? Don’t they have an ambassador? And then I saw her and I was like, OK yikes,…
Picking Barr for Attorney General should have been a hint; that motherfucker's entire public service record is about helping politicians cover shit up. He's the reason George H W Bush stayed out of prison.
Sondland is a rich, selfish fuck and there is no way he is going down for another almost rich selfish fuck like Trump.
He says that literally every time he fires someone or an associate goes to prison. “I didn’t know them; we barely talked.” I swear he just copy and pastes those responses. Such transparent bullshit.
Kissinger’s still walking around as a free and lauded man so I wouldn’t expect Cheney or Rumsfeld to go down for anything, they’re small fry compared to Dr. Killinger.
The Watergates keep getting worse because the leaders of the original Watergate conspiracy got away with it.
(And I LOVE that Trump is trying his best Mariah. “I don’t know her”?!? The guy donated millions to your election campaign.)
Sondland is a messy bitch who is living for this attention, and the fact that he lied first and then is supposedly correcting himself means that Trump and Cult can discount his statements. But if there are actual receipts....
As a Political Science Major this is ten times worse than Watergate. This whole collection of filth needs to be in jail.
Seriously. It’s like everyone stopped reading the Sontag essay at feathers. The mere presence of a material is not camp. It’s not anything.
That’s how I understood it as well.
My take away is he’s a grow-er, not a show-er.
To me, “... for the moment” sounded like it’s big, but it doesn’t last long?
I think maybe Anjelica means, ‘its a grower not a show-er”? At least that’s how I took it.
Wow. RuPaul’s explanation of camp is what the MET gala should have sent the guests beforehand. SPOT. ON.